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Friday, April 25, 2014

Newsprint Nonpareil—Heredity and Marriage

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On this date in Round and Square History
25 April 2013—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 04-25
25 April 2012—Seinfeld Ethnography: These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty
25 April 2011—Breaking the Vessel: Managing History
[a] Well?
Ist Scheidung erblich?—Is divorce hereditary?

The editors at Die Zeit are at it again, and this one seems quite "out there." Shattered marriage and heredity? How is that supposed to work?
[b] Unity RF

Well, what I continue to find interesting about their cover stories is the attempt (even if occasionally forced) to ponder issues that are everywhere in our social, economic, and intellectual lives. 

Marriage is an institution that is in the news a great deal these days, and we all know that it is profoundly different than marriage alliances in what today we call "Germany" in, say, 1514

Breaking up that marriage works differently today, too, and I give Die Zeit credit for tackling it, even though I suspect (I have yet to pick up my copy, and will when my plane touches down in Zurich Friday morning) that the emphasis is way, way too "individual."

But that is typical of the social myopia of Western thinkers, who have been screwing up these questions since Plato.  

Sorry, but I am firm in my analysis.

I'll let you know what I think of the article...soon (there are no copies for sale here at National Airport (DCA) in Washington.
[c] Separate Ways RF

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