From Round to Square (and back)

For The Emperor's Teacher, scroll down (↓) to "Topics." It's the management book that will rock the world (and break the vase, as you will see). Click or paste the following link for a recent profile of the project:

A new post appears every day at 12:05* (CDT). There's more, though. Take a look at the right-hand side of the page for over four years of material (2,000 posts and growing) from Seinfeld and country music to every single day of the Chinese lunar calendar...translated. Look here ↓ and explore a little. It will take you all the way down the page...from round to square (and back again).
*Occasionally I will leave a long post up for thirty-six hours, and post a shorter entry at noon the next day.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Round and Square Syllabus 2025a

 Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Syllabic Cycles"

[a] Round RF
Round and Square Syllabus
All Classes
Spring 2025

Robert André LaFleur                                              Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 206                                                  Monday          12:00-13:30
363-2005                                                                     Wednes
day   12:00-13:30                                                      ...or by appointment (just send               
                                                                                     me an email message)       
We will be reading short essays from my 
blog for Mondays. These range from necessary information 
 for class in the first half of the term (very important) to essays
that are meant to stimulate broad thinking about our  class materials. 
All items are required and will be on quizzes and tests.

Week One—January 22 (Wednesday this week only) 

All Classes

Syllabic Cycles—Introduction, a-d (read all four postsnot just the first one—but go quickly). 

Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there!

Week Two—January 27
All Classes
Quotidian Quizzes—Introduction, a-h (skim the first four posts, but read the last four carefully (they get to the heart of our course).
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there!

Week ThreeFebruary 3
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 

Week FourFebruary 10
All Classes
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there!                    

Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there!

Week SixFebruary 24
LaFleur, "Smoke Hole at the Center of the Universe" (.pdf)

Week Seven—March 3
Read "Chicago Cites, Chicago Writes" (on Chicago-style citation) in Rob's writing guide (pages 210-223).
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there!
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 

Week ElevenMarch 31
Annals of Ostracism: Introduction
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 

Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 

Week ThirteenApril 14
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 

Week FourteenApril 21
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 

Week FifteenApril 28 
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 

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