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Friday, April 4, 2014

Newsprint Nonpareil—My Company Loves Me...Not

Click here for the "Newsprint Nonpareil" Resource Center—(all posts available) 
Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Newsprint Nonpareil"
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***  *** 
One year ago on Round and Square (4 April 2013)—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 04-04
One year ago on Round and Square (4 April 2013)—Calendars and Almanacs (k)
Two years ago on Round and Square (4 April 2012)—Seinfeld Ethnography: Needle's on Empty
Three years ago on Round and Square (4 April 2011)—Seinfeld Ethnography: George Eats Trash
Meine Firma liebt mich nicht—My company doesn't love me.

O.k, let's admit it. We've all felt this way from time-to-time and from job-to-job. Feeling loved in a complex emotional relationship is challenging enough. How do we either love a job or have "the us?" 
It's tougher than it looks, and the swirling challenges of downsizing, globalization, commodification, (and workplace intersubjectivity)* make it all the more challenging. It is as though the editors of Die Zeit always had planned to follow "Today's Man" (last week) with "My Company Doesn't Love Me."
*There: I have now spoken the three keywords of anthropological legitimacy (repeat the jargon every waking hour—and twice during lectures—for maximum professional and soporific effect).

How I Met Your Manager. Discuss.

As usual, with Die Zeit, this week's cover story is timely and well written—with the kind of "cultural" nuance and historical perspective that is (I bemoan this) increasingly rare in journalism today.

So get to it. Start reading about the love which dares not speak its bottom line.

As that wonder-seer Tony Robbins might put it, the problem with a nice new job is that we bring the same old "us" to it. Dr. Drew would probably say the same thing.

Now stop blubbering, Helmut, and get ahold of yourself; just start reading. 
[c] Renewal RF

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