[a] Editoriaux RF |
This new series on
Round and Square appears of necessity, as it were. Very occasionally I am asked to provide—usually for a small readership—a rendering of how I
really feel about a topic. This differs somewhat from the "exploratory" nature of most of my blog posts. In this series of "editorials," I will be making quite clear my own cultural or political stance on a given issue. This should come as no particular surprise. Regular readers of
Round and Square will immediately note that I am not afraid to give my opinions, especially regarding such matters as the future of the
Dakota prairie and
in-text citations.
Nonetheless, there is a difference between letting my opinions show through in a somewhat analytical blog entry and writing something for publication (small though the audience might be) in an attempt to assert my unvarnished
opinion. This series represents a collection of such entries. I will add a few from the past if I stumble across them (this should not amount to much, since I do not—contrary to what some readers might think—sit at the kitchen table scribbling letters to the editor addressed to the Fort Worth
Star-Telegram, Sacramento
Bee, and Grand Forks
Herald). Nope. In fact, these "editorials" will probably be addressed to the college newspaper, as often as not, covering just a smattering of topics.
Still, editorial "voice" is not
exactly the same thing as "lecture voice," "blog voice," or "academic article voice." It is that little twist of genre and intent that I wish to fence off in this series of editorial posts. For better or worse, they are just a little bit different from the "normal"
Round and Square entry...whatever
that might be.
They will also (probably) be a little bit
shorter, too, and this may come as a relief.
Let's get started.
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