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*Occasionally I will leave a long post up for thirty-six hours, and post a shorter entry at noon the next day.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Channeling Liam—24-Hour Clocks

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One year ago on Round and Square (26 January 2012)—Asian Miscellany: Language and Literature

[a] Liamspeak PD
I don't know who you are, 
but I will find you...

...and tell you that 24-hour clock time is splendidly accurate (it is 15:00 in Chicago as I post this). 
There are fewer problematic a.m./p.m. lapses, and all it takes is a few minutes to learn.

And why some keep on calling it "military time" even in their humble civilian contexts, is beyond  me.. It does go to show, though, that when there needs to be absolute temporal precision, the military (anywhere) doesn't mess around.

Twenty-four hour time. 

It's for everyone (civil and martial; 文 and  武).

Onward, interdenominational and pan-temporal soldiers. a broken clock is only right...once a day—if it has a working battery.
[c] Well, okay...RF

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