
Friday, January 18, 2019

Round and Square Syllabus, Spring 2019

[a] Round RF
Round and Square Syllabus
All Classes
Spring 2019

Robert André LaFleur                                              Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 206                                                  Tuesday     5:30-7:00
363-2005                                                                     Thursday   4:00-5:30                                                        ...or by appointment  

Week One—January 22
Syllabic Cycles—Introduction, a-d (read all four posts, not just the first one—but go quickly). 
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there!

Week Two—January 29
Quotidian Quizzes—Introduction, a-h (skim the first four posts, but read the last four carefully (they get to the heart of our course).
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there!

Week ThreeFebruary 5
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Styling Culture: Chicago-style Footnotes and Endnotes 

Week FourFebruary 12
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
***  ***                       
ANST 351:
Asian Ethnicities 1
Asian Ethnicities 2
Asian Ethnicities 3

HIST 150:
Breaking the Vessel 1
Breaking the Vessel 2
Breaking the Vessel 3

HIST 210: (two posts)
City and Countryside

HIST 310:
Rural Religion Introduction
Rural Religion 1
Rural Religion 2
Rural Religion 3 
Rural Religion 4

Week FiveFebruary 19
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
***  ***                       
ANST 351:
Asian Ethnicities 4
Asian Ethnicities 5
Asian Ethnicities 6

HIST 150:
Breaking the Vessel 4
Breaking the Vessel 5
Breaking the Vessel 6

HIST 210:
Food and Drink

HIST 310:
Rural Religion 5
Rural Religion 6
Rural Religion 7
Rural Religion 8

Week SixFebruary 26
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
***  ***                       
ANST 351:
Asian Ethnicities 7
Asian Ethnicities 8

HIST 150:
Breaking the Vessel 7
Breaking the Vessel 8
Breaking the Vessel 9

HIST 210:
Sports and Games

HIST 310:
Rural Religion 9
Rural Religion 10
Rural Religion 11
Rural Religion 12

Week SevenMarch 5
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
***  ***                       
ANST 351:
Asian Ethnicities 9
Asian Ethnicities 10

HIST 150:
Breaking the Vessel 10
Breaking the Vessel 11
Breaking the Vessel 12

HIST 210:
Family Life

HIST 310:
Rural Religion 13
Rural Religion 14
Rural Religion 15
Rural Religion 16

 Week TenMarch 26
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
***  ***                       
HIST 150:
Living and Learning 1
Living and Learning 2 
Living and Learning 3

HIST 210:
Language and Literature

HIST 310:
Rural Religion 17
Rural Religion 18
Rural Religion 19
Rural Religion 20

Week ElevenApril 2
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
***  ***                       
HIST 150:
Living and Learning 4
Living and Learning 5
Living and Learning 6

HIST 210:
Kanji Mastery
Katakana Culture

HIST 310:
Rural Religion 21
Rural Religion 22
Rural Religion 23
Rural Religion 24

 Week TwelveApril 9
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
***  ***                       
HIST 150:
Living and Learning 7
Living and Learning 8

HIST 210:
Kanji Steps to Mastery 1
Kanji Steps to Mastery 2
HIST 310:
Rural Religion 25
Rural Religion 26
Rural Religion 27

 Week ThirteenApril 16
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it! 
***  ***                       
HIST 150:
Living and Learning 9
Living and Learning 10

HIST 210:
Kanji Mastery: Radical 137
Kanji Mastery: Radical 94
Kanji Mastery: Radical 77

HIST 310:
Rural Religion 28
Rural Religion 29
Rural Religion 30

 Week FourteenApril 23
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there!  
***  ***                       
HIST 150:
Living and Learning 11
Living and Learning 12

HIST 210:
Kanji Mastery: Radical 134
Kanji Mastery: Radical 139
Kanji Mastery: Radical 99

HIST 310:
Rural Religion 31
Rural Religion 32
Rural Religion 33
[b] Square RF

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