
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Round and Square Syllabus, Spring 2018

[a] Round RF
Round and Square Syllabus
All Classes
Spring 2018

Robert André LaFleur                                              Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 206                                                  Tuesday     3:00-5:00
363-2005                                                                     ...or by appointment                                                                 

Week One—January 23
Syllabic Cycles—Introduction, a-d (read all four posts, not just the first one—but go quickly). 
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there!

Week Two—January 30
Quotidian Quizzes—Introduction, a-h (skim the first four posts, but read the last four carefully (they get to the heart of our course).
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there!

Week ThreeFebruary 6
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Seinfeld Ethnography: Introduction
Seinfeld Ethnography 1: George Eats Trash
Seinfeld Ethnography 2: No Soup For You
Seinfeld Ethnography 3: Elaine Exclaims
Seinfeld Ethnography 4: The Puffy Shirt
Seinfeld Ethnography 5: Poppie's Pizza

Week FourFebruary 13
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Seinfeld Ethnography  6: Mr. Bookman
Seinfeld Ethnography  7: Marine Biologist
Seinfeld Ethnography  8: The Doorman
Seinfeld Ethnography  9: Opposite George
Seinfeld Ethnography 10: Newman's Mail

Week FiveFebruary 20
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Styling Culture: Chicago-style Footnotes and Endnotes 

Week SixFebruary 27
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Seinfeld Ethnography 11: The Bootleg
Seinfeld Ethnography 12: Marriage
Seinfeld Ethnography 13: Just Dessert
Seinfeld Ethnography 14: Sleep Desk
Seinfeld Ethnography 15: Late Coffee

Week SevenMarch 6
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Seinfeld Ethnography 16: High Stakes
Seinfeld Ethnography 17: Motor Oil
Seinfeld Ethnography 18: Downtown
Seinfeld Ethnography 19: Code Cracking
Seinfeld Ethnography 20: Nonfat Yogurt

Week TenMarch 27
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Seinfeld Ethnography 21: Bad Boy
Seinfeld Ethnography 22: It's Not You
Seinfeld Ethnography 23: I Can't Be...
Seinfeld Ethnography 24: Exploding Wallet
Seinfeld Ethnography 25: Elaine Flies Coach
Week ElevenApril 3
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Seinfeld Ethnography 26: Close Talker
Seinfeld Ethnography 27: The Alliance
Seinfeld Ethnography 28: Broccoli
Seinfeld Ethnography 29: Coated Culture
Seinfeld Ethnography 30: Dinner Party

Week TwelveApril 10
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Seinfeld Ethnography 31: George's Friend
Seinfeld Ethnography 32: Jerry's Haircut
Seinfeld Ethnography 33: Face Paint
Seinfeld Ethnography 34: Mustachioed
Seinfeld Ethnography 35: Smoking Kramer

Week ThirteenApril 17
Seinfeld Ethnography 36: East River
Seinfeld Ethnography 37: Pool Man
Seinfeld Ethnography 38: Dunkin' Joe
Seinfeld Ethnography 39: Life Thoughts
Seinfeld Ethnography 40: Day of ReckoningCheck the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it! 

Week FourteenApril 24
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Seinfeld Ethnography 41: Dog Medicine
Seinfeld Ethnography 42: Shower Heads
Seinfeld Ethnography 43: Looking Busy
Seinfeld Ethnography 44: George Tips
Seinfeld Ethnography 45: Kramer's Job

Week Fifteen—May 1
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). This link is to the RSQ home page. Just scroll down until you see the calendar if it is not right there! 
Seinfeld Ethnography 46: Needle's On Empty
Seinfeld Ethnography 47: Bathroom Book
Seinfeld Ethnography 48: Pretzel Thirst
Seinfeld Ethnography 49: George's Swoosh
Seinfeld Ethnography 50: 
[b] Square RF

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