
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World Syllabus 2023b

 Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Syllabic Cycles"

***  *** 
On this date in Round and Square History
15 January 2015—Attendance Policy: Spring 2015
15 January 2015—China's Lunar Calendar: 2015 01-15
15 January 2014—Erlangen 91052: Introduction 
15 January 2014—China's Lunar Calendar: 2014 01-15
15 January 2013—Channeling Liam: Free Will
15 January 2012—Hurtin', Leavin, and Longin': Upbeat and Downcast
15 January 2011—Kanji Mastery: Resource Center

***  ***
[a] Golden RF

Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World
HIST 212
Autumn 2023
TTh 10:00-11:45

Robert André LaFleur                                                  Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 206                                                      Tuesday: 11:45-13:15
363-2005                                                                        Thursday: 11:45-13:15                                                          ...or by appointment          

Required Books         
Benedict, Ruth. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
Berry, Mary Elizabeth. Japan in Print
Bestor, Theodore. Neighborhood Tokyo
Bestor, Theodore. Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World
Bix, Herbert. Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan
Dower, John. Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II
Keene, Donald. Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912
Lu, David. Japan: A Documentary History.
McCullough, Helen. Classical Japanese Prose: An Anthology
Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko. Rice as Self: Japanese Identities Through Time
Rupp, Katherine. Gift-Giving in Japan
Stalker, Nancy. Japan: History and Culture
Totman, Conrad. Japan: An Environmental History
Winchester, Simon. The Pacific.
All books are on library reserve

On Library Reserve—Required Reading/Watching
Lu, David, Japan: A Documentary History
LaFleur, Robert, Great Mythologies of the World: East Asia and the Pacific 

Course Description
This course will examine Japanese history and culture in the context of the wider East Asian world.  We will begin with early Japanese history and the influence of both Korea and China on early Japanese institutions. In an even broader perspective, we will consider Japan (and East Asia's) role in a complex Pacific world, and how that region has shaped the world at large—from cultural and military forces to environmental issues, trade, and development.

We will then examine the development of Japan’s indigenous traditions during the Heian (794-1185), Kamakura (1185-1333), and Ashikaga (1336-1568) periods. The second half of the course will deal with modern Japanese history and culture, paying equal attention to historical and ethnographic materials, and taking a careful look at the development of the Kanto and Kansai regions in modern Japanese history and culture. Throughout the course we will use examples from the Japanese language—spoken phrases, the two major syllabaries (hiragana and katakana), and kanji, or Chinese characters—to analyze Japanese history and culture in a linguistic context.

Quizzes                                                            10%      Every Class Session
Pacific Essay                                                      5%      Week One
Source Letter                                                   15%       Week Five
Exam I                                                              10%      Week Seven
Rice as Culture Essay                                      20%      Week Nine
Source Paper                                                   30%      Week Fifteen
Exam II                                                             10%       Week Sixteen

If you have a disability and need accommodations, contact Learning Enrichment and Disability Services (LEADS) located on 2nd floor Pearsons (north side), 608-363-2572, or make an appointment through  For accommodations in my class, you are to​ bring me an Access Letter from the Director of LEADS and then we will discuss how to implement the accommodations. Contact that office promptly; accommodations are not retroactive.

Free peer tutoring is available for most classes. For a tutor, apply by going to your Portal, to the Student Life tab, and then apply using the Tutoring Forms (on left) and Request a Tutor. If you have any questions, contact LEADS.

History 212
Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World
Autumn 2023

Week I
(August 29-31)
Tuesday, August 29
Winchester, The Pacific (read entire book before class)
          Prologue: The Lonely Sea and the Sky
          Author's Note: On Carbon

          The Great Thermonuclear Sea
          Mr. Ibuka's Radio Revolution
          The Ecstasies of Wave Riding
          A Dire and Dangerous Irritation
          Farewell, All My Friends and Foes
          Echoes of a Distant Thunder 
          How Goes the Lucky Country?
          The Fires in the Deep
          A Fragile and Uncertain Sea
          Of Masters and Commanders
          Epilogue: The Call of the Running Tide    

Thursday, August 31      
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 1-27
     Early Japan
Winchester, The Pacific (continue book discussion from Monday)                        
***  ***
1,000-word "miniature" review essay examining one question:
"What is the 'Pacific?"
This should be written as a brief, but well-structured 
academic essay, and not an informal work.
Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 3
Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy

Week II
(September 5-7)
Tuesday, September 5
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus Important!
New York Review of Books (nothing until next week).
***. ***
The following links, .pdf files, and instructions were sent on Saturday 1/29
Great Mythologies of the World: Lecture 37 (check your email for the link)
            37: Culture and Cosmos in Chinese History
Totman, Japan: An Environmental History, 1-45
       Japan the Place
       Forager Society to ca. 500 BCE
Mills, The Sociological Imagination
Collingwood, Autobiography
       History as the Self-Knowledge of the Mind

Cohen, History in Three Keys
Nagel, What is it like to be a bat?
LaFleur, "Historiography, Temporality, and Decision-Making Across Global Pasts"

Thursday, September 7
Great Mythologies of the World: Lectures 42-43 (check your email for the link)
       42: Japanese Tales of Purity and Defilement
       43: Gods, Rice, and the Japanese State    
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 28-49
     Forging a Centralized State
McCullough, Classical Japanese Prose: 27-37            
     Tales of the Bamboo Cutter
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History: 3-79
     Amaterasu and Susano-o                                         
     Okuninushi-no-Mikoto and Izumo                           
     The Eastern Expedition of Emperor Jimmu             
     From the History of Wei                          
     Conquest of the Eastern Frontier…
     From the Engishiki 
     The  Seventeen  Article  Constitution, 604 AD
     The  Reform  Edict  of  Taika, 646 AD      
     The Administrative System, 718 AD         
     The Law of the Households                      
     Preface  to  Kojiki, 712 AD                      
     From  the  Manyoshu                                          
     Temmu’s Propagation of Buddhism, 676-685 AD    
     Sutra of the Golden Light…                                 
     Erection of Provincial Temples     
     A  Parable  of  the  Burning  House                                   
     Directions  to  the  Teachings  of  Three  Doctrines…
     Ennin's  Diary  of  His  Pilgrimage  to  China
     Statement  of  Opinion  on  Twelve  Matters, 914    
     Regulations  Concerning  Trade  with  Pohai, 828   
     Diary  of  Lady  Murasaki, 1008-1010                    
     Observations  on  the  Heian  Capital, 982              
     Daily  Observance, Last  Testament…                   
     How  a  Priest  Put  the  Magic  Incantation
     About  Aotsune  (Sir  Evergreen)                           
     How  a  Sparrow  Repaid  Its  Debt  of  Gratitude  
Just do a quick read to get the main points; we'll discuss details in class.

Week III
(September 12-14)
Tuesday, September 12
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 50-78
     The Rule of Taste
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History: 81-116
     Allotment  Land  (Kubunden)…                            
     Plan  to Cultivate  One  Million  Cho…    
     Land  Held  for  Three  Generations…        
     Private  Ownership  of  Reclaimed  Land, 743
     Proscription  of  Private  Ownership  of  Land, 765   
     Privilege  of  Tax  Immunity  (Fuyu), 951  and  953
     Immunity  from  Entry  by  Public  Officials…        
     Establishment  of  a  Shoen, 845, 920, and  1042    
     Commendation  of  a  Shoen                                
     Edict  to  Curtail  Spread  of  Shoen, 902
     Provincial  Governors  Not  Permitted  to  Interfere…
     Lands  Occupied  by  Private  Parties …                 
     Emergence  of  Tato, 859  and 1091                       
     Management  of  Shoen  by  Tato                          
     Establishment  of  Myoden, 1000              
     The  Kondei  System                                          
     Proscription  Against  Heian  Nobility…                
     Master  of  His  Retainers, 1114                            
     Establishment  of  Relationship…                         
     Rewarding  the  Vassals, 1180                              
     Proclamation  of  Yorimoto's  Rule  over  Kanto…   
     Establishment  of  the Samurai-dokoro, 1180                       
     Building  for  Kumon-jo, 1184                             
     Establishment  of  Monchu-jo, 1184                      
     Appointment  of  Protectors and  Stewards…                       
     Goseibai  Shikimoku--Formulary…                                   

Thursday, September 14
Great Mythologies of the World: Lecture Lecture 38
            38: Chinese Heroes, Kings, and Destroyers
McCullough, Classical Japanese Prose: 38-155    
     Tales of Ise
      A Tosa Journal                                                                                      
     The Gossamer Journal 
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 79-111
     The Rise and Rule of the Warrior Class 
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History: 117-179
     Ojo  Yoshu, or  the  Essentials  of  Salvation                      
     The  Ancients  Not  Necessarily  Our  Superiors      
     Nembutsu  and  the  Founding  of  a  New  Sect      
     The  Short  Letter  (Isshi  Koshosoku)                   
     A  Catechism                                                     
     On  the  Salvation  of  Women                             
     Doubts  Expressed  by  a  Believer  of  Nembutsu..  
     From  the  Tannisho                                           
     Conversation  with  the  Master                            
     Nichiren's  Letter  to  Lord  Nanjo                         
     Efficacy  of  Simple-Hearted  Faith             
     The  Lotus  of  Perfect  Truth                               
     Buddhism  with  Japan  as  Its  Center       
     Jito  Ukedokoro, 1308                                         
     On  Matters  Relating  to  the  Annual  Rent..
     Shitaji  Chubun, 1318                                         
     The  Tokusei  Edict  of  Einin, 1297                     
     Scribbling  on  the  Dry  River  Bed  of  Nijo
     Kemmu  Shikimoku, 1336                                   
     Appointment  of  Shugo, 1336                              
     On  Matters  Relating  to  Shugo…                       
     Increase in the Powers of the Shugo                       
     Adoption of the Law of Sharing Rent, 1352             
     Shugo-uke (Contract for Shugo), 1402        
     Contrast Between the Prosperity of Samurai…         
     Matters Relating to the Sale of Title Deeds to Fields
     Sale of Hyakusho Shiki on Certain Fields, 1480      
     A Covenant for the So (Village Governing Assoc.)…
     Joint Petition by Farmers, 1407                            
     Substitution of Money to Pay Taxes, 1353 
     Determination of Equivalent Money Value for Rice   
     Money Draft, 1468                                              
     Land Owners and Pawnshops                                
     Peasant Uprisings                                                           
     Fighting for Tokusei, 1441                                              
     Rise of Chi (Market) c. 1415                                
     Disputes Between Two Za, 1405                           
     Soryo System of Divided Patrimony                                  
     A Deed of Transfer…, 1330                                  
     Voluntary Renunciation of Inheritance, c. 1279        
     Challenging  Traditional  Authority                                   
     Seizure  of  Shoen                                               
     The  Seventeen-Article  Injunction…                     
     Hojo Soun’s  Twenty-One  Article  Injunction…

Thursday, September 21
Great Mythologies of the World: Lecture 39
            39: Peasant Folktales and Chinese Scholarship
McCullough, Classical Japanese Prose: 156-250                
     Sei Shonagon's Pillow Book
     A Tale of Flowering Fortunes     
***. ***
(For Students with No Background in Japanese)
Tuttle, Hiragana and Katakana, 7-25 (.pdf file) (just skim through the introductory material)
         Introductory Material
(For Students in First or Second-Year Japanese)
Jorden, Reading Japanese, Lesson 1 (pages 1-9)
Most of you will find this material quite easy, but just be patient. The most important parts are the lists of words, and getting good at immediate recognition (I will explain this in more detail next week).
(For Students with Three or More Years of Japanese)
Jorden, Reading Japanese, Lessons 1-8
For those of you in third year or beyond, go quickly, looking through all eight lessons on katakana until you "hit the wall" and feel that you could use some review (then we can discuss strategies going forward). The goal is immediate recognition (not "decoding"). Just see how it goes this week, and get a sense of how comfortable you are with the katakana in the book.

Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 112-143
     Disintegration and Reunification   
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History: 180-228                                 
     Takeda  Shingen’s  Control  of  Kai, 1547                       
     The  Hundred  Article  Code  of  Chosokabe, 1597   
     Compulsory  Military  Service  Decreed  by..          
     Nobunga’s  Destruction  of  Hieizan, 1571              
     Removal  of  Barriers, 1568                                  
    Free  Market  and  Abolition  of  Za, 1577              
    Collection  of  Swords, 1588                                
    Toyotomi  Hideyoshi’s  Vermilion  Seal  Letter…
    Nagamasa  on  Cadastral  Survey, 1590                  
     Cadastral  Survey, 1598                                       
     Census-Taking, 1591                                          
     Edict  on  Change  of  Status, 1591                                   
     Control  of  Daimyo, 1595                                   
     Control  of  Mt. Koya, 1585                                 
     Limitation  on  the  Propagation  of  Christianity…  
     Expulsion  of  the  Missionaries, 1587                   
     St. Francis  Xavier’s  View  of  Japanese, c. 1550    
     Cosme de Torres  on  Japanese  Receptivity, c. 1550
     Alessandro Valignano  on  Japanese  Prudence…      
     Alessandro Valignano  on  Patience  and…             
     Alessandro Valignano  on  Sensual  Vices…           
     Joao Rodrigues  on  Japanese  Craftiness, c. 1610
     Oath  of  Fealty                                      
     Laws  of  Military  Households, 1615                    
     Amendments  of  Kanei  to  Buke  Shohatto, 1635   
     The  Group  of  Five, 1632                                  
     Farmers  and  Annual  Tax, 1603                          
     Sale  of  Land  in  Perpetuity  Forbidden, 1643        
     Proscription  of  Parcelization  of  Land, 1672          
     Injunctions  for  Peasants, c. 1619                         
     Regulations  for  Villagers, 1643                           
     Regulations  for  the  Residents  of  Edo, 1655        
     Regulations  Regarding  Lawsuits, 1633                 
     Regulations  for  Temples  in  Different  Domains    
     The  Edict of 1635  Ordering  the  Closing of  Japan 
     Completion  of  the  Exclusion, 1639                     
     The  Fate  of  the  Embassy  from  Macau…            
     Renouncing  the  Kirishitan, 1645                         
     Of  the  Dutch  Trade  in  Japan, 1692       

Thursday, September 28
Great Mythologies of the World: Lecture 40
            40: Spirits and Syncretism in Korean Myth
McCullough, Classical Japanese Prose: 288-376                
     Confessions of Lady Nijo
     Journal of the Sixteenth-Night Moon
Again, most of you will find this material quite easy, but remain patient. 
***. ***
(For Students with No Background in Japanese)
Tuttle, Hiragana and Katakana, 26-32 (.pdf file)
(For Students in First or Second-Year Japanese)
Jorden, Reading Japanese, Lesson 2 (pages 10-22)
Again, most of you will find this material quite easy, but remain patient. Focus on reading even these "review materials" effortlessly, without any "decoding." Jorden is stressing an approach to reading that is very valuable for historians (and anthropologists...and everyone).
(For Students with Three or More Years of Japanese)
Jorden, Reading Japanese, Lesson 9 (pages 90-112)
For those of you in third-year Japanese and beyond, focus on reading effortlessly, without any "decoding" in even these (admittedly basic) kanji and kana. Jorden is stressing an approach to reading that is very valuable for historians (and anthropologists...and everyone).
Week VI
(October 3-5)
Tuesday, October 3
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Rupp, Gift-Giving in Japan (Get Started!)
     Examples of Giving
     Strength of Relationship, Gratitude, and Hierarchy

Thursday, October 5
Great Mythologies of the World: Lecture 41
            41: Korea's Warring Kingdoms and Flying Dragons  
Rupp, Gift-Giving in Japan (Finish the Book!)
      Life Cycles
     Seasonal Cycles
     Variations in Attitudes toward and Practices of Giving
***. ***
Tuttle, Hiragana and Katakana, 40-45 (.pdf file)
(For Students in First or Second-Year Japanese)
Jorden, Reading Japanese, Lesson 4 (pages 36-47)
Again, most of you will find this material quite easy, but remain patient. Focus on reading even these "review materials" effortlessly, without any "decoding." Jorden is stressing an approach to reading that is very valuable for historians (and anthropologists...and everyone).
(For Students with Three or More Years of Japanese)
Jorden, Reading Japanese, Lesson 11 (pages 131-154)
For those of you in third-year Japanese and beyond, focus on reading effortlessly, without any "decoding" in even these (admittedly basic) kanji and kana. Jorden is stressing an approach to reading that is very valuable for historians (and anthropologists...and everyone).
Benedict, Chrysanthemum and the Sword (just get a sense of the book; we'll discuss)
     Assignment: Japan
     The Japanese in the War
    *Taking One's Proper Station
     The Meiji Reform
    *Debtor to the Ages and the World
     *Repaying One-Ten-Thousandth
     *The Repayment "Hardest to Bear"
     *Clearing One's Name
     *The Circle of Human Feelings
    *The Dilemma of Virtue
     *The Child Learns
     The Japanese Since V-J Day
Exam Preparation (in-class)

Thursday, October 12
Exam I (in-class)  
Spring Break
[e] Longshot RF

Week IX
(October 24-26)
Tuesday, October 24
NO CLASS MEETING (Check your email), but prepare for Thursday's meeting

Thursday, October 26
Who's Who of Japan (finish and be ready for class discussion)

Week X
(October 31-November 2)
Tuesday, October 31
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Great Mythologies of the World: Lecture 42-43
Recommended: unless you have very good notes, watch them again—you can use the detail 
in your "Rice as Self" paper
       42: Japanese Tales of Purity and Defilement
       43: Gods, Rice, and the Japanese State    
Kurosawa, Seven Samurai 七人の侍) (Film in Class) VERY IMPORTANT
Ohnuki-Tierney, Rice as Self
     Food as a Metaphor of Self: An Exercise in Historical Anthropology
     Rice and Rice Agriculture Today
     Rice as a Staple Food?
     Rice in Cosmogony and Cosmology
     Rice as Self, Rice Paddies as Our Land
     Rice in the Discourse of Selves and Others
     Foods as Selves and Others in Cross-cultural Perspective
     Symbolic Practice through Time: Self, Ethnicity, and Nationalism
Kurosawa, The Seven Samurai (七人の侍). (
     Part One
Be in class by 10:00 so you can see the beginning of the film (very important)! 
(No quiz today).

Thursday, November 2
Ohnuki-Tierney, Rice as Self (finish the book)
     Food as a Metaphor of Self: An Exercise in Historical Anthropology
     Rice and Rice Agriculture Today
     Rice as a Staple Food?
     Rice in Cosmogony and Cosmology
     Rice as Self, Rice Paddies as Our Land
     Rice in the Discourse of Selves and Others
     Foods as Selves and Others in Cross-cultural Perspective
     Symbolic Practice through Time: Self, Ethnicity, and Nationalism

Week XI
(November 7-9)
Tuesday, November 7
Beloit and Beyond Conference (all day; no class)
Get started with Japan in Print, which we'll discuss on Thursday
Great Mythologies of the World: Lectures 44-45
       44: Nature Gods and Tricksters of Polynesia
       45: Creation and Misbehavior in Micronesia

For students with no background in Japanese:
Read the following posts from RSQ to learn a bit about how Japanese renders "foreign" sounds into Japanese.Write a few sentences about katakana in Japanese life.
For students with any level of background in Japanese
Spend twenty minutes looking through the .pdf file I sent you from an approximately fourth-grade reader in Japanese history. Be an anthropologist of the text. What do you see? What stands out. What raises questions (even basic ones)? Write a few sentences about this.    
                                                                      ***  ***
Dower, Embracing Defeat (get started; if you can, keep going with the readings listed for Wednesday)
Part I: Victor and Vanquished
     Shattered Lives                                                  
     Gifts from Heaven                                               
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History459-524
Read section headers and source titles (this should take twenty minutes)
     Japan Under Occupation                 

Thursday, November 16
Great Mythologies of the World: Lecture 46
       46: Melanesian Myths of Life and Cannibalism
Dower, Embracing Defeat
Part II: Transcending Despair
     Kyodatsu: Exhaustion and Despair
     Cultures of Defeat
     Bridges of Language      

(November 21-23)
Tuesday, November 21             
Week XIV
(November 28-30)
Tuesday, November 28
No Class Today; work on the assignments (and quiz). Look for an email message (Monday evening) with the quizzes and Zoom link for Thursday.

Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 362-400
     "Cool" Japan as Cultural Superpower (1980s-2010s)
Bestor, Neighborhood Tokyo (do your best; try to grasp what Bestor is "doing" in this ethnographic project)
     Miyamoto-cho, a Portrait                         
     The Development of a Neighborhood                     
     Local Politics and Administration             
     Community Services and Neighborhood Events   
     Formal Hierarchies of Participation and Power         
     Friends and Neighbors
     The Festival and the Local Social Order
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History563-618
Read section headers and source titles (this should take twenty minutes)
     Bridging the Past and Present  

Great Mythologies of the World: Lecture 47
       47: Origins in Indonesia and the Philippines

Thursday, November 30
Zoom meeting; check your email for the link. We'll start at 10:20 (after you do the quiz).        
Great Mythologies of the World: Lecture 47
       47: Origins in Indonesia and the Philippines
Bestor, Neighborhood Tokyo (finish and be ready to discuss, with at least a passage to bring up for class discussion)
Think back over how you have read various sources this term (I am speaking of English here). Have you learned to "read like a historian" (various paces, with some things moving very fast, and others—especially sources you will be using for your papers—slowly and carefully. Write a few thoughts about what went well and what did not.
***. ***

Week XV
(December 5-7)
Tuesday, December 5\
Great Mythologies of the World: Lecture 48
       48: Aboriginal and Colonial Myths of Australia
Bestor, Tsukiji (Do your best with the book, and reflect upon all of our ethnographic works)
     Tokyo’s Pantry                                      
     Grooved Channels                                  
     From Landfill to Marketplace        
     The Raw and the Cooked
     Visible Hands                                                    
     Trading Places                                                   
     Full Circle   

Thursday, December 7
Exam II  

[e] Centered RF

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