
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World Syllabus, Spring 2019 (b)

Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Syllabic Cycles"
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On this date in Round and Square History
15 January 2015—Attendance Policy: Spring 2015
15 January 2015—China's Lunar Calendar: 2015 01-15
15 January 2014—Erlangen 91052: Introduction 
15 January 2014—China's Lunar Calendar: 2014 01-15
15 January 2013—Channeling Liam: Free Will
15 January 2012—Hurtin', Leavin, and Longin': Upbeat and Downcast
15 January 2011—Kanji Mastery: Resource Center
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Click here for either half of the Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World Syllabus
Weeks 1-8        Weeks 9-16
[a] Golden RF

Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World
HIST 210
Spring 2019
TTh 12:00-2:00
Robert André LaFleur                                                  Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 206                                                      Tuesday      4:00-5:30
363-2005                                                                         Thursday    4:00-5:30                                                           ...or by appointment          

Required Books         
Benedict, Ruth. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
Berry, Mary Elizabeth. Japan in Print
Bestor, Theodore. Neighborhood Tokyo
Bestor, Theodore. Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World
Bix, Herbert. Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan
Dower, John. Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II
Keene, Donald. Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912
Lu, David. Japan: A Documentary History.
McCullough, Helen. Classical Japanese Prose: An Anthology
Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko. Rice as Self: Japanese Identities Through Time
Rupp, Katherine. Gift-Giving in Japan
Stalker, Nancy. Japan: History and Culture
Winchester, Simon. The Pacific.
All books are on library reserve

On Library Reserve—Required Reading/Watching
Lu, David, Japan: A Documentary History
LaFleur, Robert, Great Mythologies of the World: East Asia and the Pacific 

Course Description
This course will examine Japanese history and culture in the context of the wider East Asian world.  We will begin with early Japanese history and the influence of both Korea and China on early Japanese institutions. In an even broader perspective, we will consider Japan (and East Asia's) role in a complex Pacific world, and how that region has shaped the world at large—from cultural and military forces to environmental issues, trade, and development.

We will then examine the development of Japan’s indigenous traditions during the Heian (794-1185), Kamakura (1185-1333), and Ashikaga (1336-1568) periods. The second half of the course will deal with modern Japanese history and culture, paying equal attention to historical and ethnographic materials, and taking a careful look at the development of the Kanto and Kansai regions in modern Japanese history and culture. Throughout the course we will use examples from the Japanese language—spoken phrases, the two major syllabaries (hiragana and katakana), and kanji, or Chinese characters—to analyze Japanese history and culture in a linguistic context.

Quizzes                                                            15%      Every Class Session
Pacific Essay                                                      5%      Week One
Source Letter                                                   15%       Week Five
Exam I                                                              15%      Week Seven
Rice as Culture Essay                                      15%      Week Nine
Source Paper                                                    20%      Week Fourteen
Exam II                                                             15%       Week Sixteen
Class attendance and participation is expected.  
Late assignments will be penalized.

Click here for either half of the Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World Syllabus
Weeks 1-8        Weeks 9-16

If you have a disability and need accommodations, contact Learning Enrichment and Disability Services (LEADS) located on 2nd floor Pearsons (north side), 608-363-2572, or make an appointment through  For accommodations in my class, you are to​ bring me an Access Letter from the Director of LEADS and then we will discuss how to implement the accommodations. Contact that office promptly; accommodations are not retroactive.

Free peer tutoring is available for most classes. For a tutor, apply by going to your Portal, to the Student Life tab, and then apply using the Tutoring Forms (on left) and Request a Tutor. If you have any questions, contact LEADS.

History 210
Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World
Spring 2019
Week IX
Rice in Japanese History and Culture
Tuesday, March 19
(Film in Class)
Ohnuki-Tierney, Rice as Self
     Food as a Metaphor of Self: An Exercise in Historical Anthropology
     Rice and Rice Agriculture Today
     Rice as a Staple Food?
     Rice in Cosmogony and Cosmology
     Rice as Self, Rice Paddies as Our Land
     Rice in the Discourse of Selves and Others
     Foods as Selves and Others in Cross-cultural Perspective
     Symbolic Practice through Time: Self, Ethnicity, and Nationalism
Kurosawa, The Seven Samurai (七人の侍)
     Part One
Be in class by 12:00 so you can see the beginning of the film (very important)! (No quiz today).

Thursday, March 21 (Film in Class)
Kurosawa, The Seven Samurai (七人の侍)
     Part Two
Ohnuki-Tierney, Rice as Self
     Food as a Metaphor of Self: An Exercise in Historical Anthropology
     Rice and Rice Agriculture Today
     Rice as a Staple Food?
     Rice in Cosmogony and Cosmology
     Rice as Self, Rice Paddies as Our Land
     Rice in the Discourse of Selves and Others
     Foods as Selves and Others in Cross-cultural Perspective
     Symbolic Practice through Time: Self, Ethnicity, and Nationalism

Week X
Anthropology and Japan
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Benedict, Chrysanthemum and the Sword (just get a sense of the book)
     Assignment: Japan
     The Japanese in the War
    *Taking One's Proper Station
     The Meiji Reform
    *Debtor to the Ages and the World
     *Repaying One-Ten-Thousandth
     *The Repayment "Hardest to Bear"
     *Clearing One's Name
     *The Circle of Human Feelings
Thursday, March 28
Benedict, Chrysanthemum and the Sword (just get a sense of the book)
    *The Dilemma of Virtue
     *The Child Learns
     The Japanese Since V-J Day
***  ***

Week XI        
The Tokugawa Era
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture,144-173
     Maintaining Control: Tokugawa Official Culture 
Berry, Japan in Print: 1-103
     A Traveling Clerk Goes to the Bookstores
     The Library of Public Information
     Maps are Strange
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History, 203-272
Read section headers and source titles (this should take twenty minutes)
      Tokugawa: Era of Peace
       Intellectual Currents in Tokugawa Japan            
Thursday, April 4
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lecture 44
     44: Nature Gods and Tricksters of Polynesia      
Berry, Japan in Print: 104-252
     Blood Right and Merit
     The Freedom and the City
     Cultural Custody, Cultural Literacy
***  ***
Read the Source Paper Assignment
(read all three parts of the assignment.) 
Due on Sunday, May 5 by 5:00 p.m. 
(hard copy in my office—MI 206)

Week XII
The Postwar Era
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 209-275
     Facing and Embracing the West (1850s-1900s)
     Modernity and its Discontents (1900s-1930s)
Keene, Emperor of Japan: 1-209
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History, 273-344
Read section headers and source titles (this should take twenty minutes)
                       The End of Tokugawa Rule     
                       Early Meiji Political Developments                 

Thursday, April 11
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lecture 45
     45: Creation and Misbehavior in Micronesia
Keene, Emperor of Japan: 210-415
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Read the Source Paper Assignment
(read all three parts of the assignment.) 
Due on Sunday, May 5 by 5:00 p.m. 
(hard copy in my office—MI 206)

Contemporary Japanese Culture III— Urban Anthropology
Tuesday, April 16
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lecture 46
     46: Melanesian Myths of Life and Cannibalism 
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 318-361
     Defeat and Reconstruction
Dower, Embracing Defeat: 19-275
Part I: Victor and Vanquished
     Shattered Lives                                                  
     Gifts from Heaven                                               
Part II: Transcending Despair
     Kyodatsu: Exhaustion and Despair                         
     Cultures of Defeat                                               
     Bridges of Language                                            
Part III: Revolutions
     Neocolonial Revolution
     Embracing Revolution
     Making Revolution
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History, 459-524
Read section headers and source titles (this should take twenty minutes)
     Japan Under Occupation  

Thursday, April 18
No class (Symposium Day)
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Read the Source Paper Assignment
(read all three parts of the assignment.) 
Due on Sunday, May 5 by 5:00 p.m. 
(hard copy in my office—MI 206)

Week XIV
Contemporary Japanese Culture V—Market, Nation, World
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 362-400
     "Cool" Japan as Cultural Superpower (1980s-2010s)
Bestor, Neighborhood Tokyo
     Miyamoto-cho, a Portrait                         
     The Development of a Neighborhood                     
     Local Politics and Administration             
     Community Services and Neighborhood Events   
     Formal Hierarchies of Participation and Power         

Thursday, April 25
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lecture 47
     47: Origins in Indonesia and the Philippines
Bestor, Neighborhood Tokyo     
     Friends and Neighbors
     The Festival and the Local Social Order
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History, 563-618
Read section headers and source titles (this should take twenty minutes)
     Bridging the Past and Present  
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Read the Source Paper Assignment
(read all three parts of the assignment.) 
Due on Sunday, May 5 by 5:00 p.m. 
(hard copy in my office—MI 206)

Week XV
Contemporary Japanese Culture VI—Review
Tuesday, April 30
Bestor, Tsukiji: 1-176
     Tokyo’s Pantry                                      
     Grooved Channels                                  
     From Landfill to Marketplace        
     The Raw and the Cooked

Thursday, May 2
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lecture 48
     48: Aboriginal and Colonial Myths of Australia
Bestor, Tsukiji: 177-313
     Visible Hands                                                    
     Trading Places                                                   
     Full Circle            
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Read the Source Paper Assignment
(read all three parts of the assignment.) 
Due on Sunday, May 5 by 5:00 p.m. 
(hard copy in my office—MI 206)

Week XVI
Contemporary Japanese Culture VI
Tuesday, May 7
Exam II
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Click here for either half of the Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World Syllabus
Weeks 1-8        Weeks 9-16
[e] Centered RF

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