On this date on Round and Square's History
19 August 2015—China's Lunar Calendar 2015 08-19 19 Auguat 2015—Social and Cultural Theory Syllabus 2015
19 August 2014—China's Lunar Calendar 2014 08-19
19 August 2014—Social and Cultural Theory Syllabus 2014
19 August 2013—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 08-19
19 August 2013—From the Geil Archive: Seeking Anthropology
19 August 2012—Rural Religion in China (15)
19 August 2011—Displays of Authenticity: Fresh Coffee
Click here for the other half of this two-part syllabus post:
ANTH 206: Weeks 1-8 ANTH 206: Weeks 9-16
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[a] Kwakiutl Sea Spirit RF |
Anthropology 206
Autumn 2017
Tuesday and Thursday
8:00-10:00 a.m.
Robert André LaFleur Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 206 Tuesday 4:00-5:30
363-2005 Thursday 4:00-5:30
lafleur@beloit.edu ...or by appointment 363-2005 Thursday 4:00-5:30
Required Books for All Enrolled Students
Becker, Howard, What About Mozart? What About Murder?
Bowen, Elenore Smith, Return to Laughter
Bourdieu, Practical Reason
Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice (handouts)
Connell, Evan. Mr. Bridge
Connell, Evan. Mrs. Bridge
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, A History of Anthroplogy
Gordon, Robert. Fifty Key Anthropologists (plus web additions)
Moore, Henrietta and Todd Sanders. Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology*
Wacquant, Loïc, Body and Soul: Notes of an Apprentice Boxer
Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice (handouts)
LaFleur, Longevity Mountain (handouts)
The New York Review of Books (NYRB)
*We will be using the new second edition of this book. Do not buy the first edition; there are too many changes, and it will not "save" you time or money.
Required Ethnographies (Choose one SET from the list below)
Rosaldo, Renato. Ilongot Headhunting: A History AND
Rosaldo, Michelle. Knowledge and Passion
Schiefflin, Edward. The Sorrow of the Lonely and the Burning of the Dancers AND
Feld, Steven. Sound and Sentiment.
All books are on library reserve.
Quizzes 10% Every Class Session
Theoretical Letter 10% Week Four
Exam 1 15% Week Seven
Bridges to Theory Review Essay 10% Week Nine
Ethnography Review Essay 15% Week Fourteen
Exam 2 15% Week Sixteen
Final Analysis 20% Finals Week
Class attendance and participation is expected.
Anthropology 206Bowen, Elenore Smith, Return to Laughter
Bourdieu, Practical Reason
Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice (handouts)
Connell, Evan. Mr. Bridge
Connell, Evan. Mrs. Bridge
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, A History of Anthroplogy
Gordon, Robert. Fifty Key Anthropologists (plus web additions)
Moore, Henrietta and Todd Sanders. Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology*
Wacquant, Loïc, Body and Soul: Notes of an Apprentice Boxer
*** ***
LaFleur, Robert. Round and Square (www.robert-lafleur.blogspot.com) Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice (handouts)
LaFleur, Longevity Mountain (handouts)
The New York Review of Books (NYRB)
*We will be using the new second edition of this book. Do not buy the first edition; there are too many changes, and it will not "save" you time or money.
Required Ethnographies (Choose one SET from the list below)
Rosaldo, Renato. Ilongot Headhunting: A History AND
Rosaldo, Michelle. Knowledge and Passion
Schiefflin, Edward. The Sorrow of the Lonely and the Burning of the Dancers AND
Feld, Steven. Sound and Sentiment.
All books are on library reserve.
*** ***
Building upon ANTH 100 (Society and Culture), this course helps students develop increased sophistication in the way that they frame and think about social and cultural (not to mention historical) phenomena. Our approach to the subject will be both historical and “pragmatic.” It is necessary to understand the development of various intellectual strains within anthropology. A good foundation in them gives solidity to analytical constructions (this is precisely the reason that philosophers spend a good number of pages in every work “framing” their subject matters in terms of the history of philosophy). It is far from being a trifling exercise. We will also take a “pragmatic” approach, by asking ourselves which perspectives work best for our purposes, and our interests. Learning to balance these seemingly contradictory (but actually beautifully entwined) approaches is one of the keys to excellent theoretical work in and beyond the field of anthropology.Evaluation
Quizzes 10% Every Class Session
Theoretical Letter 10% Week Four
Exam 1 15% Week Seven
Bridges to Theory Review Essay 10% Week Nine
Ethnography Review Essay 15% Week Fourteen
Exam 2 15% Week Sixteen
Final Analysis 20% Finals Week
Class attendance and participation is expected.
Social and Cultural Theory
Autumn 2017
Week I
(August 29, 31)
Tuesday, August 29Course overview
Thursday, August 31
Film: Geil of Doylestown (in-class Thursday)
From the Geil Archive (read all nine posts)
1-Southern Mountain Museum
2-Sacred Mountain Map
3-Hat and Cattle
4-Seeking Anthropology
5-Curly Fives
6-How to Write the Book
7-Mortarboard Man
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). These authors have an asterisk next to their names, below. All other authors (those with website links) are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look if you wish). William Edgar Geil (1865-1925)
Eriksen, A History of Anthropology, vii-x; 1-19
Round and Square
Syllabic Cycles:Introduction (a-d) Read all four posts, not just “a.”
Week II
(September 5, 7)
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). All authors with website links are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look. David Riesman (1909-2002)
Laura Bohannan (1922-2002)
Bowen, Return to Laughter
Foreword by David Riesman (you must read this—all-important)
Entire book (it is a straight-through "read")
Thursday, September 7
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). These authors have an asterisk next to their names, below. All other authors (those with website links) are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look if you wish). *Franz Boas (1858-1942))
*Alfred Kroeber (1876-1950)
Gregory Bateson (1904-1980)
*Ruth Benedict (1887-1948)
Moore, Anthropology in Theory, xi-xvi; 1-52
General Introduction
Anthropology and Epistemology
Part I/Section I: Culture and Behavior
The Aims of Anthropological Research (Boas)
The Concept of Culture in Science (Kroeber)
Problems and Methods of Approach (Bateson)
The Individual and the Pattern of Culture (Benedict)
Connell, Mrs. Bridge, 1-54
Love and Marriage
Preliminary Training
Christmas Basket
Displaced Dummy
Alice Jones
Who Can Find the Caspian Sea?
Of Ladies and Women
Table Manners
Alice Jones Again
Agreeable Conversation
Guest Towels
Late for Dinner
Holiday News
A Matter of Taste
Good-by Alice
Never Speak to Strange Men
Grace Barron
What’s Up, Señora Bridge?
The Leacocks
Victim of Circumstances
Rock Fight
*** ***
Week III
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). These authors have an asterisk next to their names, below. All other authors (those with website links) are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look if you wish). *Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002)
Bourdieu, Practical Reason, 1-145 (whole book)
Social Spaces and Symbolic Space
(The "Soviet" Variant and Political Capital)
The New Capital
(Social Space and the Field of Power)
Rethinking the State: The Genesis and Structure...
(The Family Spirit)
Is a Disinterested Act Possible?
The Economy of Symbolic Goods
(Remarks on the Economy of the Church)
The Scholastic Point of View
A Paradoxical Foundation of Ethics
Thursday, September 14
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). These authors have an asterisk next to their names, below. All other authors (those with website links) are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look if you wish).Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
*A.R. Radcliffe-Brown (1881-1955)
*Sir Edmund Leach (1910-1989)
*Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009)
Moore, Anthropology in Theory, 53-87
Part I/Section2: Structure and System
Rules for the Explanation of Social Facts (Durkheim)
On Social Structure (Radcliffe-Brown)
Introduction to Political Systems of Highland Burma (Leach)
Social Structure (Lévi-Strauss)
Connell, Mrs. Bridge, 55-96
Advanced Training
Another World
Sentimental Moment
Soft Gift
Nothing Spectacular
The Search for Love
No Scenes in Church
Powerful Vocabulary
Tobacco Road
One Summer Morning
Growing Pains
Maid from Madras
Revolt of the Masses
Minister’s Book
Lady Poet
Oaths and Pledges
Another Victim of Circumstances
The Clock
Countess Mariska
*** ***
Week IV
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). These authors have an asterisk next to their names, below. All other authors (those with website links) are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look if you wish). *Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942)
*Julian Steward (1902-1972)
*Leslie White (1900-1975)
Roy Rappaport (1926-1997)
J.H.M. Beattie (1915-1990)—this is the best we can do for free
Ladislav Holý (1933-1997) and Milan Stuchlik (d.1980)
Moore, Anthropology in Theory, 89-161
Part I/Section3: Function and Environment
The Group and the Individual in Functional Analysis (Malinowski)
The Concept and Method of Cultural Ecology (Steward)
Energy and the Evolution of Culture (White)
Ecology, Cultural and Noncultural (Rappaport)
Part I/Section 4: Methods and Objects
Understanding and Explanation in Social Anthropology (Beattie)
Anthropological Data and Social Reality (Holy and Stuchlik)
Objectification Objectified (Bourdieu)
Thursday, September 21
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). These authors have an asterisk next to their names, below. All other authors (those with website links) are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look if you wish). *Lewis Henry Morgan (1818-1881)
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Adolf Bastian (1826-1905)
*Sir Edward Burnett Tylor (1832-1917)
Sir James George Frazer (1854-1941)
Eriksen, A History of Anthropology, 20-45
Victorians, Germans and a Frenchman
Tea Leaves
The Private World of Wilhelm and Susan
Sir William and Sir Thomas
The Low-pressure Salesman
Second Lesson in Spanish
Servant’s Entrance
The Chrysler and the Comb
No Evangelism
Good Night
News of the Leacocks
The Hat
First Babies
Who’s Calling?
Mademoiselle from Kansas City
Ruth Goes to New York
Tornado at the Club
Non Capisco
Week V
Tuesday, September 26
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). These authors have an asterisk next to their names, below. All other authors (those with website links) are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look if you wish). *Marcel Mauss (1874-1950)
*Clifford Geertz (1926-2006)
Talal Asad (1932-)
*Sherry Ortner (1941-)
Malcom Crick (1948-2006)
Maurice Bloch (1939-)
Eriksen, A History of Anthropology, 46-67
Four Founding Fathers
Moore, Anthropology in Theory, 163-220
Part II/Section 5: Meanings as Objects of Study
Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture (Geertz)
Anthropology and the Analysis of Ideology (Asad)
Subjectivity and Cultural Critique (Ortner)
Part II/Section 6: Language and Method
Structural Analysis in Linguistics and in Anthropology (Lévi-Strauss)
Ordinary Language and Human Action (Crick)
Language, Anthropology, and Cognitive Science (Bloch)
Becker, Social Theory and Research Handouts (check your e-mail)
"The Outside Game" (The New Yorker)
"World and Field" (The Sociology of Art)
Connell, Mrs. Bridge, 151-194French Restaurant
Winged Victory
Strangers in Paradise
Intellectual Café
Sidewalk Artist
Beautiful Luggage
Mirror, Mirror
Peculiar Roman
Change of Itinerary
Inside Europe
Progress, Madness, Defeat
Robbery at the Heywood Duncans’
No Questions
Follow Me Home
Jules, Niki, et al
The Rich and the Poor
Paquita de las Torres
Extra-sensory Perception
Frayed Cuffs
Sex Education
Words of Wisdom
LaFleur, Rob’s Style Sheet, 1-32
*** ***
"Theory Letter" Assignment Letters are Due
by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 1
"Theory Letter" Assignment Letters are Due
by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 1
(hard copies in my office—MI 206)
Week VI
(October 3, 5)
See my class attendance and participation policy
Very Gay Indeed
Local Talent
Exchange of Letter
Frozen Fruit
Reflections on Montaigne
Marching with Dr. Foster
Quo Vadis, Madame?
Joseph Conrad
Pineapple Bread
Carolyn’s Engagement
Present from Douglas
Carolyn Marries
Tuna Salad
Old Acquaintance
Home Again
Mr. Bridge Adjourns
Letter from a Buddhist
All’s Well
Remembrance of Things Past
*** ***
See my class attendance and participation policy
Tuesday, October 3
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). These authors have an asterisk next to their names, below. All other authors (those with website links) are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look if you wish).
Moore, Anthropology in Theory, 221-281
Part II/Section 7: Cognition, Psychology, and Neuoranthropology
Towards an Integration of Ethnography, History and the...(Whitehouse)
Linguistic and Cultural Variables in the Psychology of Numeracy (Stafford)
Subjectivity (Luhrman)
Why the Behavioural Sciences Need the Concept...(Whitehead)
Part II/Section 8: Bodies of Knowledges
Knowledge of the Body (Jackson)
The End of the Body? (Martin)
Hybridity: Hybrid Bodies of The Scientific Imaginary (Sharp)
Thursday, October 5
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). These authors have an asterisk next to their names, below. All other authors (those with website links) are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look if you wish).
*Sir Raymond Firth (1901-2002)
*E.E. Evans-Pritchard (1902-1973)
Eriksen, A History of Anthropology, 68-95
Expansion and Institutionalism
Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice, vii-viii; 1-15 (handout ; in-class)
Connell, Mrs. Bridge, 194-246
Translator’s Foreword
The Objective Limits of Objectivism
Section I: Analyses
From the Mechanics of the Model to the Dialectic of StrategiesVery Gay Indeed
Local Talent
Exchange of Letter
Frozen Fruit
Reflections on Montaigne
Marching with Dr. Foster
Quo Vadis, Madame?
Joseph Conrad
Pineapple Bread
Carolyn’s Engagement
Present from Douglas
Carolyn Marries
Tuna Salad
Old Acquaintance
Home Again
Mr. Bridge Adjourns
Letter from a Buddhist
All’s Well
Remembrance of Things Past
Read the Bridges to Theory Essay Assignment (due on 10/29)
Week VII
(October 3, 5)
Tuesday, October 10Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Gordon, Fifty Key Anthropologists
You are responsible for any author with a biography in the Fifty Key Anthropologists book (and they will be on quizzes and tests). These authors have an asterisk next to their names, below. All other authors (those with website links) are provided below only so that you can get a quick sense of who the are/were; just click the link for a quick look if you wish).
Max Weber (1864-1920)*Eric Wolf (1923-1999)
*Jean (1946-) and John Comaroff (1945-)
Donald Donham ()
Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice, 78-95 (handout)
Structures, Habitus, and Practices
Moore, Anthropology in Theory, 283-341Part III/Section 9: Coherence and Contingency
Puritanism and the Spirit of Capitalism (Weber)
Introduction to Europe and the People Without History (Wolf)
Introduction to Of Revelation and Revolution (Comaroff and Comaroff)
Epochal Structures I: Reconstructing Historical Materialism (Donham)
Structures and the Habitus (Bourdieu)
Eriksen, A History of Anthropology, 96-119
Forms of Change
Exam I (in-class)
*** ***
Read the Bridges to Theory Essay Assignment (due on 10/29)
Week VIII—Autumn Break
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[b] (Agri)Culture RF |
ANTH 206: Weeks 1-8 ANTH 206: Weeks 9-16
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