
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Round and Square Syllabus (Spring 2016)

[a] Round RF
Round and Square Syllabus
All Classes
Spring 2016
Robert André LaFleur                                                             Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 111                                                                 Tuesday           12:00-1:30 
363-2005                                                                                   Thursday         12:00-1:30                                                                    …or by appointment

NYRB and Round and Square readings are due on Tuesdays, and will be a part of both the quiz and class discussion on Tuesdays.

Week One—January 21 (Thursday—this week only)
Syllabic Cycles—Introduction, a-d (read all four posts, not just the first one—but go quickly). 
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!

Week Two—January 26
Quotidian Quizzes—Introduction, a-h (skim the first four posts, but read the last four carefully (they get to the heart of our course).
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!

Week ThreeFebruary 2
Styling Culture: Chicago-style Footnotes and Endnotes 
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!

Week FourFebruary 9
Theory Corner: Bricolage 
(If you find the concept of bricolage useful, there are two more linked posts).
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!

Week FiveFebruary 16
The Philosophy of History of Philosophy: A History (Introduction)
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!

Week SixFebruary 23
HIST 210 (Japan): Kanji Mastery
ANST 351 (Senior Seminar): Kanji Mastery 
HIST 310 (Confucius): La Pensée Cyclique (Marcel Granet)

Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!

Week SevenMarch 1
The Thousand Ask Question (read the first post; the next two are highly recommended).
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!

Week TenMarch 22
Structure, History, and Culture (it is important this week that you read both posts. Please understand that the perspective in these posts will play key roles in the rest of our work.
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!

Week ElevenMarch 29
Structure, History, and Culture—NCAA Basketball
Structure, History, and Culture—Electoral College
*(Just one more week of two posts; it is vital that you read both, and it will pay off). 
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!

Week TwelveApril 5
The Cortex Chronicles: Introduction
The Cortex Chronicles: Punting and Strategy 1a
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!

Week ThirteenApril 12
The Cortex Chronicles: Punting and Downs 1b
The Cortex Chronicles: Punting and Trolleys 1c
The Cortex Chronicles: Punting and Thinking 1d
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it! 

Week FourteenApril 19
The Cortex Chronicles: Long Synapse Punting 1e
The Cortex Chronicles: Contrapuntal 1f
Check the lunar calendar every day (posted at midnight). Scroll down until you see it!
[b] Square RF

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