
Friday, May 30, 2014

Theory Cartoons—Individual and Group

Click here for the "Theory Cartoons" Resource Center (all posts available)
Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Theory Cartoons" (coming soon)
This is a "small" (小) post—click here for an explanation of Round and Square post lengths.
***  ***
On this date in Round and Square History 
31 May 2013—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 05-31
31 May 2012—The Accidental Ethnographer: Ocean and Isle 2a
31 May 2011—Endings: The Death of Captain Cook
[a] Individuality The New Yorker 2014 06-02
This cartoon lies at the heart of all social theory (theorizing). Period. Who am I? Who are we? This has bedeviled Western scholars for the better part of two centuries (and their utter inability to comprehend broader movements beyond individuality are baffling). 
[b] Individual/Society RF

So-called "Eastern" thinkers have pondered this, too. Sometimes...individual, family, clan, and society blend and merge. Should we leap at that?

I don't think so (although it is intriguing).

Only in the last century (I hear you Emile Durkheim, Marcel Mauss, George Herbert Mead, David Riesman, and Pierre Bourdieu, and Paul Ricoeur) have Western theorists really began to engage the issue in this cartoon.

And think about it. Project yourself into the cartoon. You watch a whole bunch of others. You watch FOX a whole bunch of others. You identify with climate change; you don't. 

David Riesman had this nailed sixty years ago. Don't kid yourself about your "individuality." Yes, I saw the person on the bus today taking "selfies." You are (and it is not all your fault) "other-directed." Get over it, and read The Lonely Crowd (a few decades too late).

That we haven't even really begun to engage this theoretical question (and NOT ONE is more important) is baffling.
[c] Individuality...and Sociality RF

China's Lunar Calendar 2014 05-31

Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Calendars and Almanacs"  
⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦ From right to left: ⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦
6/1......................................................5/29........................Monthly Information
This is one in a never-ending series—following the movements of the calendar—in Round and Square perpetuity. It is today's date in the Chinese lunar calendar, along with basic translation and minimal interpretation. Unless you have been studying lunar calendars (and Chinese culture) for many years, you will likely find yourself asking "what does that mean?" I would caution that "it" doesn't "mean" any one thing. There are clusters of meaning, and they require patience, reflection, careful reading, and, well, a little bit of ethnographic fieldwork. The best place to start is the introduction to "Calendars and Almanacs" on this blog. I teach a semester-long course on this topic and, trust me, it takes a little bit of time to get used to the lunar calendar. Some of the material is readily accessible; some of it is impenetrable, even after many years

As time goes on, I will link all of the sections to lengthy background essays. This will take a while. In the meantime, take a look, read the introduction, and think about all of the questions that emerge from even a quick look at the calendar.
Section One
Solar Calendar Date
(top to bottom; right to left

Fifth Month, Thirty-First Day
Astral Period Six
Saturday, May 31

Section Two
Beneficent Stars 
(top to bottom, right to left)
Generational Emolument
Maternal Granary

Section Three
Auspicious Hours
(top to bottom, right to left
23:00-01:00 Inauspicious
01:00-03:00 Auspicious
03:00-05:00 Auspicious
05:00-07:00 Auspicious

07:00-09:00 In-Between
09:00-11:00 In-Between
11:00-13:00 In-Between
13:00-15:00 Auspicious

15:00-17:00 Inauspicious
17:00-19:00 In-Between
19:00-21:00 Auspicious
21:00-23:00 Inauspicious

The hours above are for Hong Kong. It is up to you if you want to recalibrate or to assume that the cyclicality of the calendar "covers" the rest of the world. This is a greater interpretive challenge than you might think.

Section Four 
Activities to Avoid  
(top-to-bottom; right to left) 

Opening Sluices
Venerating Ancestors

 Section Five 
Cosmological Information 

Third Day (Fifth Lunar Month)
Cyclical day: renyin (39//60)
Phase (element): Metal
Constellation: Stomach (17/28)
"Day Personality" Cycle: Receive (10/12)
Section Six
Appropriate Activities
(and Miscellaneous Information
(top-to-bottom; right to left)



Appropriate Activities
Seizing and Capturing
Binding Nets

Grain Ripens
(the twenty-fourth of seventy-two five-day solar micro-periods on the agricultural calendar)

Baleful Astral Influences
Earth Charm
Return Mourning

  Section Seven
Inauspicious Stars 
(right to left) 
丫 鬼
Bifurcation, Ghost

Section Eight
Miscellaneous Information 
(right to left)

爐 庫
Furnace, Storehouse

Newsprint Nonpareil—Escaping to Europe

Click here for the "Newsprint Nonpareil" Resource Center—(all posts available) 
Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Newsprint Nonpareil"
This is a "small" (小) post—click here for an explanation of Round and Square post lengths.
***  *** 
On this date in Round and Square History
30 May 2013—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 05-30
30 May 2012—The Accidental Ethnographer: The Isle That is Called Patmos
30 May 2011—Le Tour de la France: The Attentions of Mère Etienne
Meine Flucht nach Europa
My Escape to Europe

This week's Die Zeit cover has the exclusive story of a reporter who made a dangerous trip across the Mediterranean with Syrian refugees. This is a little bit of a twist on Die Zeit covers, and a welcome one. 
[b] Welcome RF

We have seen a large number of historical retrospective stories (Shakespeare, World War I, selfless givers) and current-culture pieces (business life, animal rights, and gendered life). 

This is the first cover in some time to have absolutely current reporting of something other than a major news event. 

Good stuff, as always. The paper actually came out on Wednesday, since Thursday is a holiday here in Germany. And how did I spend my holiday? 

Well, reading the story, of course.
[c] Nach Europa RF

China's Lunar Calendar 2014 05-30

Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Calendars and Almanacs"  
⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦ From right to left: ⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦
6/1......................................................5/29........................Monthly Information
This is one in a never-ending series—following the movements of the calendar—in Round and Square perpetuity. It is today's date in the Chinese lunar calendar, along with basic translation and minimal interpretation. Unless you have been studying lunar calendars (and Chinese culture) for many years, you will likely find yourself asking "what does that mean?" I would caution that "it" doesn't "mean" any one thing. There are clusters of meaning, and they require patience, reflection, careful reading, and, well, a little bit of ethnographic fieldwork. The best place to start is the introduction to "Calendars and Almanacs" on this blog. I teach a semester-long course on this topic and, trust me, it takes a little bit of time to get used to the lunar calendar. Some of the material is readily accessible; some of it is impenetrable, even after many years

As time goes on, I will link all of the sections to lengthy background essays. This will take a while. In the meantime, take a look, read the introduction, and think about all of the questions that emerge from even a quick look at the calendar.
Section One
Solar Calendar Date
(top to bottom; right to left

Fifth Month, Thirtieth Day
Astral Period Five
Friday, May 30

Section Two
Beneficent Stars 
(top to bottom, right to left)
Heavenly Virtue
Jade Hall
Heavenly Happiness
Heavenly Physician

Section Three
Auspicious Hours
(top to bottom, right to left
23:00-01:00 Inauspicious
01:00-03:00 Auspicious
03:00-05:00 Auspicious
05:00-07:00 In-Between

07:00-09:00 In-Between
09:00-11:00 Auspicious
11:00-13:00 Inauspicious
13:00-15:00 Inauspicious

15:00-17:00 Auspicious
17:00-19:00 Inauspicious
19:00-21:00 In-Between
21:00-23:00 Inauspicious

The hours above are for Hong Kong. It is up to you if you want to recalibrate or to assume that the cyclicality of the calendar "covers" the rest of the world. This is a greater interpretive challenge than you might think.

Section Four 
Activities to Avoid  
(top-to-bottom; right to left) 

Mixing Sauces
Making Liquor
Repairing Kitchens
Stove Work

 Section Five 
Cosmological Information 

Second Day (Fifth Lunar Month)
Cyclical day: gengzi (38//60)
Phase (element): Earth
Constellation: Mound (16/28)
"Day Personality" Cycle: Completion (9/12)
Section Six
Appropriate Activities
(and Miscellaneous Information
(top-to-bottom; right to left)


Appropriate Activities
Venerating Ancestors
Inquiring-into Fortune
Entering Study
Meeting Friends
Going Out (and about)
Marriage Engagements
Grain Payments
Marriage Alliances
Physician Visits
Repairing and Building
Moving Soil
Putting-up Beams
Repairing Granaries
Constructing Dikes
Positioning Beds
Positioning Graves

Return Taboo

Baleful Astral Influences
Lower Amputee
Debt Not
Fire Star
Mutual Loathing

  Section Seven
Inauspicious Stars 
(right to left) 
白 山
White, Mountain

Section Eight
Miscellaneous Information 
(right to left)
厠 灶 廚
Toilet, Stove, Kitchen

Thursday, May 29, 2014

China's Lunar Calendar 2014 05-29

Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Calendars and Almanacs"  
⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦ From right to left: ⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦
6/1......................................................5/29........................Monthly Information
This is one in a never-ending series—following the movements of the calendar—in Round and Square perpetuity. It is today's date in the Chinese lunar calendar, along with basic translation and minimal interpretation. Unless you have been studying lunar calendars (and Chinese culture) for many years, you will likely find yourself asking "what does that mean?" I would caution that "it" doesn't "mean" any one thing. There are clusters of meaning, and they require patience, reflection, careful reading, and, well, a little bit of ethnographic fieldwork. The best place to start is the introduction to "Calendars and Almanacs" on this blog. I teach a semester-long course on this topic and, trust me, it takes a little bit of time to get used to the lunar calendar. Some of the material is readily accessible; some of it is impenetrable, even after many years

As time goes on, I will link all of the sections to lengthy background essays. This will take a while. In the meantime, take a look, read the introduction, and think about all of the questions that emerge from even a quick look at the calendar.
Section One
Solar Calendar Date
(top to bottom; right to left
Fifth Month, Twenty-Ninth Day
Astral Period Four
Thursday, May 29

Section Two
Beneficent Stars 
(top to bottom, right to left)
Lunar Virtue
Heavenly Horse

Section Three
Auspicious Hours
(top to bottom, right to left
23:00-01:00 Inauspicious
01:00-03:00 Auspicious
03:00-05:00 In-Between
05:00-07:00 In-Between

07:00-09:00 In-Between
09:00-11:00 In-Between
11:00-13:00 Inauspicious
13:00-15:00 Auspicious

15:00-17:00 Auspicious
17:00-19:00 Auspicious
19:00-21:00 Inauspicious
21:00-23:00 Inauspicious

The hours above are for Hong Kong. It is up to you if you want to recalibrate or to assume that the cyclicality of the calendar "covers" the rest of the world. This is a greater interpretive challenge than you might think.

Section Four 
Activities to Avoid  
(top-to-bottom; right to left) 

Binding Nets
Inquiring-into Fortune

 Section Five 
Cosmological Information 

First Day (Fourth Lunar Month)
Cyclical day: gengzi (37/60)
Phase (element): Earth
Constellation: Astride (15/28)
"Day Personality" Cycle: Danger (8/12)
Section Six
Appropriate Activities
(and Miscellaneous Information
(top-to-bottom; right to left)


Appropriate Activities
Venerating Ancestors
Sweeping Rooms

Baleful Astral Influences
Lunar Destruction
Five Vacancies
White Tiger
Yin General

  Section Seven
Inauspicious Stars 
(right to left) 
白 火
White, Fire

Section Eight
Miscellaneous Information 
(right to left)

磨 碓
Mortar, Pestle