
Friday, May 30, 2014

Newsprint Nonpareil—Escaping to Europe

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On this date in Round and Square History
30 May 2013—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 05-30
30 May 2012—The Accidental Ethnographer: The Isle That is Called Patmos
30 May 2011—Le Tour de la France: The Attentions of Mère Etienne
Meine Flucht nach Europa
My Escape to Europe

This week's Die Zeit cover has the exclusive story of a reporter who made a dangerous trip across the Mediterranean with Syrian refugees. This is a little bit of a twist on Die Zeit covers, and a welcome one. 
[b] Welcome RF

We have seen a large number of historical retrospective stories (Shakespeare, World War I, selfless givers) and current-culture pieces (business life, animal rights, and gendered life). 

This is the first cover in some time to have absolutely current reporting of something other than a major news event. 

Good stuff, as always. The paper actually came out on Wednesday, since Thursday is a holiday here in Germany. And how did I spend my holiday? 

Well, reading the story, of course.
[c] Nach Europa RF

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