
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Displays of Authenticity (18)—Clearing

One year ago on Round and Square (7 November 2011)—Editorials à LaFleur: Introduction
Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Displays of Authenticity"
[a] Purple reign RF
This is one post in a multi-part series on the American Electoral College. Click below for the others.
Electoral 1       Electoral 2        Electoral 3        Vote!                 Clearing        Electoral 4        Electoral 5          
Electoral 6       Electoral 7        Electoral 8        Electoral 9        Electoral 10   Electoral 11      Electoral 12
Electoral 13     Electoral 14

If you think I am going to say anything incendiary about the election that just passed, you don't know Round and Square. It is true that I have opinions about these matters, but (as all of my students know) I work fairly hard not to let them affect my classes....or this blog. All I want to say is this (we will return to sober discussion of the American electoral college tomorrow): let's all take a deep breath. If you are an American citizen of a certain age, you are used to the country coming together after elections. To be sure, this has proven to be more problematic in the last twelve years than at many times in American history, but it is hardly unusual.
We often talk these days about how divided we are. As I told one of my classes today, though, let's not forget that we are not anywhere near(ly) as divided in this country as we were, say, 150 years ago. 

1862? I mean, seriously?

Really, think about it. We can manage this, whether we are elated or despondent. Come on (I am speaking to everyone, including myself). This is not even close to Antietam. Let's all get some (historical, cultural) perspective.

Enjoy or despair. And then let's get moving. This is not a new idea.

The country has had a long period of division, and the calls from both candidates (in admirable speeches on both sides) were for post-election clearing

Clearing—what a concept. It's what's for authenticity.

This is one post in a multi-part series on the American Electoral College. Click below for the others.
Electoral 1       Electoral 2        Electoral 3        Vote!                 Clearing        Electoral 4        Electoral 5          
Electoral 6       Electoral 7        Electoral 8        Electoral 9        Electoral 10   Electoral 11      Electoral 12
Electoral 13     Electoral 14

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