
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

HIST 150: The Art of Warning 2025a

 Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Syllabic Cycles"

***  *** 
On this date in Round and Square History
15 January 2015—Attendance Policy: Spring 2015
15 January 2015—China's Lunar Calendar: 2015 01-15
15 January 2014—Erlangen 91052: Introduction 
15 January 2014—China's Lunar Calendar: 2014 01-15
15 January 2013—Channeling Liam: Free Will
15 January 2012—Hurtin', Leavin, and Longin': Upbeat and Downcast
15 January 2011—Kanji Mastery: Resource Center
[a] Golden RF

The Art of Warning
HIST 150
Spring 2025
MWF 10:15-12:05

Robert André LaFleur                                                  Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 206                                                      Monday          12:00-13:30
363-2005                                                                        Wednesday    12:00-13:30                                                          ...or by appointment          

Required Books         
Sunzi. The Art of Warning
Luo Guanzhong. Three Kingdoms
Collins, Jim. From Good to Great
Senge, Peter. The Fifth Discipline
Greene, Robert. Mastery
Stephen Covey. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Musashi, Miyamoto. The Book of Five Rings
All books are on library reserve

On Library Reserve—Required Reading/Watching
LaFleur, Robert. The Art of Warning (.pdf file)
LaFleur, Robert. Confucius and the World (Great Courses Lectures)
Sima Guang. The Comprehensive Mirror (Three Kingdoms)

Course Description

Quizzes                                                            10%      Every Class Session
First Essay.                                                         5%      Week One
Source Letter                                                   15%       Week Five
Exam I                                                              10%      Week Seven
Art of Warning Essay.                                       20%      Week Ten
Management Paper                                          30%      Week Fifteen
Exam II                                                             10%       Week Sixteen
Class attendance and participation is expected.  

If you have a disability and need accommodations, contact Learning Enrichment and Disability Services (LEADS) located on 2nd floor Pearsons (north side), 608-363-2572, or make an appointment through  For accommodations in my class, you are to​ bring me an Access Letter from the Director of LEADS and then we will discuss how to implement the accommodations. Contact that office promptly; accommodations are not retroactive.

Free peer tutoring is available for most classes. For a tutor, apply by going to your Portal, to the Student Life tab, and then apply using the Tutoring Forms (on left) and Request a Tutor. If you have any questions, contact LEADS.

History 150
The Art of Warning
Spring 2025
Week I
(January 20-24)
Monday, January 20
No Class Today (our first class will be on Wednesday)
Sunzi, The Art of War (read entire book before class on Wednesday, and think about what it tells us about "strategy," "life," and "management").
Wednesday, January 22     

Friday, January 24
Clan Meetings (I'll explain "clans" on the first day of class)
Sunzi, The Art of War

Go to the Second Floor of the Library at 9:00 (check your email for a message with details about your "clan group").
[1] Address the following matters: 
(a) Discuss how you will approach your 1,000-word (three page) "miniature" review essay, answering the question "My Thoughts about Managing my Life" in any way that you want, so long as you discuss some aspect(s) of Sunzi's Art of War.
(b) Discuss how you approach writing and revision.

[2] Write a short version of your answers to the above prompts (a few sentences per item), and send it to me by noon on Friday, January 25 as an email message.
Discuss how you will approach your 1,000-word (three page) "miniature" review essay, and your thoughts about writing in college.               
***  ***
1,000-word "miniature" review essay examining one question:
"My Thoughts About Managing my Life 
(with some thoughts about Sunzi's Art of War)
This should be written as a brief, but well-structured 
academic essay, and not an informal work.
Due by 5:00 p.m. in Sunday, January 26
Since buildings will be closed, please send it to me (
as a .pdf file on Sunday,  and then bring a paper copy 
to either Godfrey 106 or MI 206 on Monday
                                    Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
                                          Click Here to Review the Attendance Policy

Week II
(27-31 January)
Monday, January 27
***. ***
The following links, .pdf files, and instructions were sent on Sunday 1/26
Nagel, What is it like to be a bat?
LaFleur, "Historiography, Temporality, and Decision-Making Across Global Pasts"
Collingwood, Autobiography
     History as the Self-Knowledge of the Mind

Cohen, History in Three Keys

Wednesday, January 29 (Happy Lunar New Year!)
LaFleur, "Calendars and Almanacs"
Review the Historical Thinking Readings from Monday (we'll discuss them today)

Friday, January 31
Clan Meetings       
11:00 AM (note the time) in Library 220 and 221.
[1] Address the following matters: 
(a) Now that you are two weeks into the course, discuss how the reading process has gone thus far. How have you handled the readings? Do you "preview" a reading before starting (this is a good idea)? Do you read at varying speeds? Discuss this for a few minutes today, and we'll talk about it more in class in the coming weeks.
(b) Go through the syllabus with your TA, and make sure that you are "navigating" it correctly. Take a look at the handout from Wednesday, and think about how you will handle the readings for next week.
(c) Discuss "historical thinking" in relation to management, especially Paul Cohen's concepts of historical experience and "mythologization." How do people "mythologize" when talking about managing ourselves, our families, and "all under heaven?"

[2] Write a short version of your answers to the above prompts (a few sentences per item), and send it to me by noon on Friday 1/31 as an email attachment.
***  ***

Week III
(February 3-7)
Monday, February 3
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square syllabus
(Click on the link above, and follow the numbered links at the beginning and end of each post, twelve in all; this is your main reading—the equivalent of a book chapter).
     1 China's Lesson Book
     2 Through the Mirror Glass
     3 Reading Like a Ruler    
     4 Breaking the Vessel    
     5 Up the Downstair Case
     6 Outside Looking In (the link is now working)
     7 Exile and Response
     8 Luoyang Longing
     9 Crafting a History
    10 Reviewing Plans
    11 Bustin' Stuff
    12 Managing History
Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, 16-45.

Wednesday, February 5
Confucius and the World
(Take notes as you watch the following three lectures; check your email for instructions).
       01: The Hidden Teaching Dynamic of the Analects
       02: The Analects: A Bird's Eye View
       03 The Man We Call Confucius

Friday, February 7
Clan Meetings    
Luo Guanzhong, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Introduction, xxi-xxxvii   
11:00 AM (note the time) in Library 220 and 221
[1] Address the following matters: 
(a) Discuss the introduction to the classic Chinese novel, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Even from the introduction, what can you see about issues of "management" of ourselves, our families (groups), and "all under heaven," especially in times of crisis.
(b) Compare what you learned in the introduction to what you know about Sunzi (Sun-tzu), Confucius, and Sima Guang.
(c) Finally, your letter will be due in a little more than two weeks. Write a very brief outline of how you will structure it.
(d) Please make sure you send the email (explained below) to me. Half of you are not doing it, and this goes into your grade. It only needs to be done, and it only needs to be a few sentences. Please do it.

[2] Write a short version of your answers to the above prompts (a few sentences per item), and send it to me by 5:00 p.m. on Friday 2/7 as an email attachment.

Week IV
(February 10-14)
Monday, February 10 
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square syllabus
     2 Warring States and Divided Messages
     3 Rules and Regulations
     4 Mockery by Mencius
     5 Stumps
     6 Finding the Way
     7 Nothing Doing
     8 Losing the Way
     9 Like Water
    10 Patching the Vessel
    11 Polishing the Mirror
    12 Teaching the Emperor  
xx, xxx: xxx

Wednesday, February 12
Confucius and the World
       04: How the Analects is Organized
       05: The Provenance of the Analects
       06: The Analects in Miniature
xx, xxx: xxx
xx, xxx: xxx

Friday, February 14
Clan Meetings       
11:00 AM (note the time) in Library 220 and 221.
[1] Address the following matters: 
(a) xxx
(b) xxx
(c) Jot down a few ideas about how you might write your "chatty" first paragraph as you get things started ("I am fine...I'll bet you never expected a letter from me..."). Then, write your transition sentence or sentences, which will move the letter to the subject matter of our course. Write out a draft of those sentences.

[2] Write a short version of your answers to the above prompts (a few sentences per item), and send it to me by noon on Friday 2/14 as an email attachment.

Week V
(February 17-21)
Monday, February 17

Wednesday, February 19
Confucius and the World
       07 Learning to Read the Analects
       08  Confucius's Students: Zai Wo and Yan Hui
       09 Confucius's Students: Zilu and Zigong
xx, xxx: xxx
xx, xxx: xxx

Friday, February 21
Clan Meetings       
11:00 AM (note the time) in Library 220 and 221
[1] Address the following matters: 
(a) xxx
(b) xxx
(c) xxx

[2] Write a short version of your answers to the above prompts (a few sentences per item), and send it to me by noon on Friday 2/21 as an email attachment.
Week VI
(February 24-28)
Monday, February 24
xx, xxx: xxx
xx, xxx: xxx

Wednesday, February 26
Confucius and the World
       10 Confucius on the Purpose of Learning
       11  Filial Devotion in the Analects
       12 Confucius on the Value of Remonstrance
xx, xxx: xxx
xx, xxx: xxx

Friday, February 28
Clan Meetings       
11:00 AM (note the time) in Library 220 and 221
[1] Address the following matters: 
(a) xxx
(b) With your exam coming up next Monday, think about what you feel that you have studied thoroughly (go back and look through the syllabus), and what you may not have spent as much time on. Now, make a plan (just outline it with bullet points or a brief paragraph) for your exam preparation. Remember that you will have an 8.5x11 sheet of paper to take down notes to be used in the exam, but it will be "closed book" except for that. In short, what are you "good at," and what parts of our course need more work from you?

[2] Write a short version of your answers to the above prompts (a few sentences per item), and send it to me by noon on Friday 2/28 as an email attachment.
***  ***
Make sure you read the "Management" Assignment
Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 30
Hard Copy Due in my Office (MI 206 or Godfrey 106)
                                    Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
                                          Click Here to Review the Attendance Policy

Confucius and the World
       13 The Exemplary Person in the Analects
       14 Confucius's Ideal: Consummate Conduct
       15 Confucius on Cultivating the Social Self
Wednesday, March 5
Exam I (in-class)

Friday, March 7
Take an early break!
***  ***
Make sure you read the "Management" Assignment
Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 30
Hard Copy Due in my Office (MI 206 or Godfrey 106)
                                    Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
                                          Click Here to Review the Attendance Policy
Spring Break

Week IX
(March 17-21)
Monday, March 17
NO CLASS (check your email)

Wednesday, March 19
Confucius and the World
       16 Ritual Conduct in Confucius
       17 Confucius on Embodied Ritual and Music
       18 The Analects on Effective Rule
xx, xxx: xxx
xx, xxx: xxx

Friday, March 21
***  ***
Make sure you read the "Management" Assignment
Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 30
Hard Copy Due in my Office (MI 206 or Godfrey 106)
                                    Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
                                          Click Here to Review the Attendance Policy

Week X
(March 24-28)
Wednesday, March 26
Confucius and the World
       xx: xxx
       xx: xxx   
xx, xxx: xxx
xx, xxx: xxx

Friday, March 28
Clan Meetings 
[1] Address the following matters: 
(a) xxx
(b) xxx
(c) xxx
(d) Are you 100% correct with your Chicago-style citations (including journal citations)? Work with your clan group to make sure.

[2] Write a short version of your answers to the above prompts, and send it to me by noon on Friday 4/1 as an email attachment.               
***  ***
Make sure you read the "Management" Assignment
Due by 5:00 p.m. THIS Sunday, March 30
Hard Copy Due in my Office (MI 206 or Godfrey 106)
                                    Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
                                          Click Here to Review the Attendance Policy

Week XI
(March 31-April 4)
Wednesday, April 2
Confucius and the World
       xx: xxx
       xx: xxx   
xx, xxx: xxx
xx, xxx: xxx

Friday, April 4
Clan Meetings 
[1] Address the following matters: 
(a) xxx
(b) Now, add a temporal dimension. Discuss your various approaches to reading "a book a week." This is very (very) common in graduate school, and yet (I speak from long experience) very few courses actually teach how to do it.
(c) Finally, put these thoughts together into perhaps a half-dozen items that you might "teach" to others who are faced with reading entire books of history.

[2] Write a short version of your answers to the above prompts (a few sentences per item), and send it to me by noon on Friday 4/4 as an email attachment.                 
***  ***
Read the Final Assignment
(read all three parts of the assignment.) 
Due NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6
(.pdf copy only)
                                    Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
                                          Click Here to Review the Attendance Policy


Wednesday, April 9
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lecture 45
       45: Creation and Misbehavior in Micronesia
Keene, Emperor of Japan: 210-415

Friday, April 11
Clan Meetings 
[1] Address the following matters: 
(a) xxx
(b) xxx
(c) xxx
(d) xxx

[2] Write a short version of your answers to the above prompts (a few sentences per item), and send it to me by noon on Friday 4/11 as an email attachment.
Read the ATTENDANCE POLICY for this course (it will be enforced).
Read the LATE ASSIGNMENT POLICY for this course (it will be enforced). 
***  ***
Read the Final Assignment
(read all three parts of the assignment.) 
Due NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6
(.pdf copy only)
                                    Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
                                          Click Here to Review the Attendance Policy
***  ***
Read the Final Assignment
(read all three parts of the assignment.) 
Due NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6
(.pdf copy only)
                                    Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
                                          Click Here to Review the Attendance Policy

Week XIV
(April 21-25)

Wednesday, April 23
Spring Day—No Classes              

Friday, April 25
                                                                      ***  ***
Read the Final Assignment
(read all three parts of the assignment.) 
Due NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6
(.pdf copy only)
                                    Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
                                          Click Here to Review the Attendance Policy
***  ***
Read the Source Paper Assignment
(read all three parts of the assignment.) 
Due NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6
(.pdf copy only)
                                    Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
                                          Click Here to Review the Attendance Policy
[e] Centered RF

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