
Wednesday, March 15, 2023

AMP 101: The Life Syllabus with Confucius and Rousseau Syllabus 2023a (Spring)

 Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Syllabic Cycles"

***  *** 
On this date in Round and Square History
13 January 2015—China's Lunar Calendar: 2015 01-13
13 January 2014—China's Lunar Calendar: 2014 01-13
13 January 2013—Channeling Liam: Soft Dental Care
13 January 2012—Heian Japan: Work
13 January 2011—Ponder College: Resource Center
The Life Syllabus
with Confucius and Rousseau
AMP 101
Spring 2023
Tuesdays 11:55-12:50

Robert André LaFleur                                              Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 206                                                  Monday          11:45-12:30
363-2005                                                                     Wednesday   11:45-13:00                                                      ...or by appointment (just send               
                                                                                         me an email message)                       
Required Books         
Confucius. The Analects (translated by Roger Ames and Henry Rosemont)
LaFleur, Robert. Books That Matter: Confucius's Analects (The Great Courses)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Emile (translated by Allan Bloom)
Ginott, Haim. Between Parent and Child
Covey, Stephen. The Seven Habit of Highly Effective People

Come to class and do the quizzzes!                 
Daily attendance and class participation are expected; absences during the semester will affect your gradeLate assignments will be penalized. 

AMP 101
The Life Syllabus with Confucius and Rousseau
Spring 2023
Week I
Getting to Know the Analects—I

Tuesday, January 24
Confucius Lectures 1-6

Week II
Getting to Know the Analects—II
Tuesday, January 31
Confucius Lectures 7-12

Week III
Getting to Know the Analects—III
Tuesday, February 7
Confucius Lectures 13-18

Week IV
Rousseau's Emile—I
Tuesday, February 14
Rousseau, Emile, 33-35; 37-53
[If you do get a chance to read the very fine introduction by Allan Bloom, it is worth the effort, and even the time; I am not specifically requiring it, though, so as not to create too much reading for a .25 credit seminar].

Week V
Rousseau's Emile—II
Tuesday, February 21
Rousseau, Emile, 54-74
Week VI
Rousseau's Emile—III
Tuesday, February 28
Rousseau, Emile, 77-93

Week VII
Rousseau's Emile—IV
Tuesday, March 7
Rousseau, Emile, 93-110

Spring Break

Week IX
Rousseau's Emile—V
Tuesday, March 21
Choose One
Rousseau, Emile, 110-128
Covey, Seven Habits, 13-62
Ginott, Between Parent and Child, 5-29

Week X
Rousseau's Emile—VI
Tuesday, March 28
Choose One
Rousseau, Emile, 129-148
Covey, Seven Habits, 63-94
Ginott, Between Parent and Child, 30-57

Week XI
Rousseau's Emile—VII
Tuesday, April 4
Choose One
Rousseau, Emile, 148-167
Covey, Seven Habits, 95-144
Ginott, Between Parent and Child, 58-75

Week XII
Rousseau's Emile—VII
Tuesday, April 11
Choose One
Rousseau, Emile, 168-186
Covey, Seven Habits, 145-182
Ginott, Between Parent and Child, 76-111

Rousseau's Emile—IX
Tuesday, April 18
Choose One
Rousseau, Emile, 187-208
Covey, Seven Habits, 183-203
Ginott, Between Parent and Child, 112-133
Week XIV
Moving on with the Life Syllabus—I
Tuesday, April 25
Have a significant conversation with someone (staff or faculty member) on campus, or a member of the community in either Beloit, Wisconsin, or your hometown. This needs to be with someone you do not know very well.

Week XV
Moving on with the Life Syllabus—II
Tuesday, May 2
Cal Newport, Deep Work (just take a quick look; it won't be on the quiz).
Be ready to discuss your conversations from last week.

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