*** ***
On this date in Round and Square History21 August 2016—China's Lunar Calendar 2016 08-21
21 August 2016—Confucius and Social Theory Syllabus 2016
21 August 2015—Method and Theory in History Syllabus 2015
21 August 2015—China's Lunar Calendar: 2015 08-21
21 August 2014—East Asian History and Culture Syllabus 2014
21 August 2014—China's Lunar Calendar: 2014 08-21
21 August 2013—From the Geil Archive: How to Write the Book
21 August 2013—China's Lunar Calendar: 2013 08-21
21 August 2012 2012—The New Yorker and the World Syllabus 2012
21 August 2011—Hurtin' Country: Whoever's in New England
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[a] History...culture RF |
Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World
HIST 210
Autumn 2020
Monday and Wednesday 7:30-10:15
Robert André LaFleur Office Hours: Email me
Morse Ingersoll 206 (what a weird era this is)
363-2005 lafleur@beloit.edu
363-2005 lafleur@beloit.edu
Required Books
Berry, Mary Elizabeth. Japan in Print
Bestor, Theodore. Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World
Dower, John. Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II
Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko. Rice as Self: Japanese Identities Through Time
Rupp, Katherine. Gift-Giving in Japan
Stalker, Nancy. Japan: History and Culture
Winchester, Simon. The Pacific.
All books are on library reserve
On Library Reserve—Required Reading/Watching
Lu, David, Japan: A Documentary History
LaFleur, Robert, Writing, History, and Culture (Rob's Writing Guide)
LaFleur, Robert, Great Mythologies of the World: East Asia and the Pacific
On Library Reserve—Required Reading/Watching
Lu, David, Japan: A Documentary History
LaFleur, Robert, Writing, History, and Culture (Rob's Writing Guide)
LaFleur, Robert, Great Mythologies of the World: East Asia and the Pacific
Course Description
This course will examine Japanese history and culture in the context of the wider East Asian world. We will begin with early Japanese history and the influence of both Korea and China on early Japanese institutions. In an even broader perspective, we will consider Japan (and East Asia's) role in a complex Pacific world, and how that region has shaped the world at large—from cultural and military forces to environmental issues, trade, and development.
We will then examine the development of Japan’s indigenous traditions during the Heian (794-1185), Kamakura (1185-1333), and Ashikaga (1336-1568) periods. The second half of the course will deal with modern Japanese history and culture, paying equal attention to historical and ethnographic materials, and taking a careful look at the development of the Kanto and Kansai regions in modern Japanese history and culture. Throughout the course we will use examples from the Japanese language—spoken phrases, the two major syllabaries (hiragana and katakana), and kanji, or Chinese characters—to analyze Japanese history and culture in a linguistic context.
We will then examine the development of Japan’s indigenous traditions during the Heian (794-1185), Kamakura (1185-1333), and Ashikaga (1336-1568) periods. The second half of the course will deal with modern Japanese history and culture, paying equal attention to historical and ethnographic materials, and taking a careful look at the development of the Kanto and Kansai regions in modern Japanese history and culture. Throughout the course we will use examples from the Japanese language—spoken phrases, the two major syllabaries (hiragana and katakana), and kanji, or Chinese characters—to analyze Japanese history and culture in a linguistic context.
Quizzes 15% Every Class Session
Source Letter 20% Week Two
Exam I 15% Week Four
Rice as Self Essay 20% Week Four
Rice as Self Essay 20% Week Four
Final Source Paper 30% Week Seven
Class attendance and participation is expected.
Class attendance and participation is expected.
See my class attendance and participation policy.
Late assignments will be penalized—see my late assignment policy.
Late assignments will be penalized—see my late assignment policy.
If you have a disability and need accommodations, contact Learning Enrichment and Disability Services (LEADS) located on 2nd floor Pearsons (north side), 608-363-2572, learning@beloit.edu or make an appointment through joydeleon.youcanbook.me. For accommodations in my class, you are to bring me an Access Letter from the Director of LEADS and then we will discuss how to implement the accommodations. Contact that office promptly; accommodations are not retroactive.
Free peer tutoring is available for most classes. For a tutor, apply by going to your Portal, to the Student Life tab, and then apply using the Tutoring Forms (on left) and Request a Tutor. If you have any questions, contact LEADS.
Free peer tutoring is available for most classes. For a tutor, apply by going to your Portal, to the Student Life tab, and then apply using the Tutoring Forms (on left) and Request a Tutor. If you have any questions, contact LEADS.
History 210
Japan, East Asia, and the Pacific World
Autumn 2020
Week I
(September 2)
(September 2)
Consult this excellent "Quick Guide" to Chicago-style Citation.
Wednesday, September 2
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): 42-43
42: Japanese Tales of Purity and Defilement
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): 42-43
42: Japanese Tales of Purity and Defilement
43: Gods, Rice, and the Japanese State
Winchester, The Pacific (read entire book before class)
Winchester, The Pacific (read entire book before class)
Prologue: The Lonely Sea and the Sky
Author's Note: On Carbon
The Great Thermonuclear Sea
Mr. Ibuka's Radio Revolution
The Ecstasies of Wave Riding
A Dire and Dangerous Irritation
Farewell, All My Friends and Foes
Echoes of a Distant Thunder
Author's Note: On Carbon
The Great Thermonuclear Sea
Mr. Ibuka's Radio Revolution
The Ecstasies of Wave Riding
A Dire and Dangerous Irritation
Farewell, All My Friends and Foes
Echoes of a Distant Thunder
How Goes the Lucky Country?
The Fires in the Deep
A Fragile and Uncertain Sea
Of Masters and Commanders
Epilogue: The Call of the Running Tide
The Fires in the Deep
A Fragile and Uncertain Sea
Of Masters and Commanders
Epilogue: The Call of the Running Tide
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 1-27
Early Japan
*** ***
(due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 13)
Week II
(September 7, 9)
Consult this excellent "Quick Guide" to Chicago-style Citation.
Monday, September 7
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lecture 37-38
37: Culture and Cosmos in Chinese Mythology
38: Chinese Heroes, Kings, and Destroyers
Round and Square
Syllabic Cycles:Introduction (a-d) Read all four posts, not just “a.”
Quotidian Quizzes It's o.k. to skim a-d, but read e-h carefully
37: Culture and Cosmos in Chinese Mythology
38: Chinese Heroes, Kings, and Destroyers
Round and Square
Syllabic Cycles:Introduction (a-d) Read all four posts, not just “a.”
Quotidian Quizzes It's o.k. to skim a-d, but read e-h carefully
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 28-49
Forging a Centralized State
Forging a Centralized State
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History: 3-79 (selections)
3 Chapter I: The Dawn of Japanese History
*4 Amaterasu and Susano-o
9 The Eastern Expedition of Emperor Jimmu
11 From the History of Wei
**17 From the Engishiki
21 Chapter II: The Impact of Chinese Civilization
**23 The Seventeen Article Constitution, 604 AD
30 The Administrative System, 718 AD
*33 The Law of the Households
37 Preface to Kojiki, 712 AD
*40 From the Manyoshu
47 Temmu’s Propagation of Buddhism, 676-685 AD
51 Chapter III: The Early Heian Period
*61 Ennin's Diary of His Pilgrimage to China
70 Regulations Concerning Trade with Pohai, 828
*71 Diary of Lady Murasaki, 1008-1010
*72 Observations on the Heian Capital, 982
**79 How a Sparrow Repaid Its Debt of Gratitude
McCullough, Classical Japanese Prose: 27-37 (selections)
27-28 The Ancestor of All Romances
28-37 Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
Wednesday, September 9
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lecture 39
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lecture 39
39: Peasant Folktales and Chinese Scholarship
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 50-111
The Rule of Taste
The Rise and Rule of the Warrior Class
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History: 81-170 (selections)
Practice getting a sense of the document as a whole by focusing on the subject headers and then
looking through what follows. This is a necesary skill in historical research, and part of the goal of
dealing with these documents is to practice that very-little-taught skill. Don't read like you normally
would, but learn to "read strategically."
Practice getting a sense of the document as a whole by focusing on the subject headers and then
looking through what follows. This is a necesary skill in historical research, and part of the goal of
dealing with these documents is to practice that very-little-taught skill. Don't read like you normally
would, but learn to "read strategically."
81 Rise of Feudal Insitutions
86 Allotment Land (Kubunden)…
86 Allotment Land (Kubunden)…
87 Plan to Cultivate One Million Cho…
88 Land Held for Three Generations…
88 Private Ownership of Reclaimed Land, 743
*89 Proscription of Private Ownership of Land, 765
90 Privilege of Tax Immunity (Fuyu), 951 and 953
92 Establishment of a Shoen, 845, 920, and 1042
95 Commendation of a Shoen
95 Edict to Curtail Spread of Shoen, 902
97 Provincial Governors Not Permitted to Interfere…
99 Lands Occupied by Private Parties …
99 Emergence of Tato, 859 and 1091
*100 Management of Shoen by Tato
101 Establishment of Myoden, 1000
103 Proscription Against Heian Nobility…
*104 Master of His Retainers, 1114
109 Goseibai Shikimoku--Formulary for the Shogun's Decision of Lawsuits, 1232
Read the "lead sentences" of each item and get a sense of the whole
Read the "lead sentences" of each item and get a sense of the whole
117 Kamakura Buddhism
*121 Ojo Yoshu, or the Essentials of Salvation
Practice getting a sense of the document as a whole by focusing on the subject headers and then
looking through what follows. Definitely read the brief introduction ("Salvation Through Nembutsu") *127 The Ancients Not Necessarily Our Superiors
*121 Ojo Yoshu, or the Essentials of Salvation
Practice getting a sense of the document as a whole by focusing on the subject headers and then
looking through what follows. Definitely read the brief introduction ("Salvation Through Nembutsu") *127 The Ancients Not Necessarily Our Superiors
* Nembutsu and the Founding of a New Sect
* 129 A Catechism
Go quickly through the questions and answers
*131 On the Salvation of Women
*131 On the Salvation of Women
*135 From the Tannisho
Practice getting a sense of the document without spending too much time (a necessary skill in
historical research (no historian would get anything done without this skill...more on this in class)
*138 Conversation with the Master (Dogen)
Focus on the subject headers (and then use the skill you're developing, above)
historical research (no historian would get anything done without this skill...more on this in class)
*138 Conversation with the Master (Dogen)
Focus on the subject headers (and then use the skill you're developing, above)
* 145 Buddhism with Japan as Its Center
147 The Development of Institutions through the Muromachi Period
150 Jito Ukedokoro, 1308 Focus on the third paragraph; "...the agreement is essentially..."
150 Jito Ukedokoro, 1308 Focus on the third paragraph; "...the agreement is essentially..."
*152 The Tokusei Edict of Einin, 1297
*153 Scribbling on the Dry River Bed of Nijo
*155 Kemmu Shikimoku, 1336 (Learn to get a good sense, quickly, of the items).
157 Appointment of Shugo, 1336
157 On Matters Relating to Shugo…
*157 Increase in the Powers of the Shugo
161 Sale of Hyakusho Shiki on Certain Fields, 1480
* 161 A Covenant for the So (Village Governing Assoc.)…
*162 Joint Petition by Farmers, 1407
163 Substitution of Money to Pay Taxes, 1353
*164 Determination of Equivalent Money Value for Rice
Money Draft, 1468
*165 Peasant Uprisings
*165 Fighting for Tokusei, 1441
*166 Rise of Chi (Market) c. 1415
167 Disputes Between Two Za, 1405
*168 Soryo System of Divided Patrimony
McCullough, Classical Japanese Prose: 39-199 (selections)
*Please note that the "Tales of Ise" have been moved from Monday.
narrative prose and poetry, which gives Japanese literature a distinct flavor.
70-73 Pioneering Memoirists of the Tenth Century
*Please note that the "Tales of Ise" have been moved from Monday.
38-39 The Ninth-Century Nobleman and the Courtly Ideal
39-69 Tales of Ise (read tales 1-21 carefully and look through the others). Please note the mix of
70-73 Pioneering Memoirists of the Tenth Century
102-155 The Gossamer Journal. Very briefly explore this long journal (closer to what you have been doing
with the Lu documents). It is well worth a careful read, since it is one of the great texts of
Japanese literature. Sadly, we don't have time for that luxury very often during this "module."
Please note the mix of narrative prose and poetry, which gives Japanese literature a distinct flavor.
156-158-Pioneering Memoirists of the Tenth Century
158-199 The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon. This is indisputably one of the giants of Japanese
literature. Read it as closely as you possibly can (given the limits of time). It will be
very helpful for your letter.
with the Lu documents). It is well worth a careful read, since it is one of the great texts of
Japanese literature. Sadly, we don't have time for that luxury very often during this "module."
Please note the mix of narrative prose and poetry, which gives Japanese literature a distinct flavor.
156-158-Pioneering Memoirists of the Tenth Century
158-199 The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon. This is indisputably one of the giants of Japanese
literature. Read it as closely as you possibly can (given the limits of time). It will be
very helpful for your letter.
*** ***
(due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 13)
Week III
(September 14, 16)
Consult this excellent "Quick Guide" to Chicago-style Citation.
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lecture 40-41
40: Spirits and Syncretism in Korean Myth
41: Korea's Warring Kingdoms and Flying Dragons
LaFleur, Writing, History, and Culture (Rob's Writing Guide)
Read Part Three: look through Part One, just looking at the subject headers.
Rupp, Gift-Giving in Japan (Do as much as you can for today)
Examples of Giving
Strength of Relationship, Gratitude, and Hierarchy
Life Cycles
Seasonal Cycles
Variations in Attitudes toward and Practices of Giving
Rupp, Gift-Giving in Japan (finish for Wednesday's class; read strategically)
Examples of Giving
Strength of Relationship, Gratitude, and Hierarchy
Life Cycles
Seasonal Cycles
Variations in Attitudes toward and Practices of Giving
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 112-143
Disintegration and ReunificationLu, Japan: A Documentary History: 171-228 (selections)
As before, practice getting a sense of the document as a whole by focusing on the subject headers and then
looking through what follows. This is a necesary skill in historical research, and part of the goal of
dealing with these documents is to practice that very-little-taught skill. Don't read like you normally
would, but learn to "read strategically."
looking through what follows. This is a necesary skill in historical research, and part of the goal of
dealing with these documents is to practice that very-little-taught skill. Don't read like you normally
would, but learn to "read strategically."
Challenging Traditional Authority
Seizure of Shoen
The Seventeen-Article Injunction…
The Hundred Article Code of Chosokabe, 1597
Compulsory Military Service Decreed by..
Nobunga’s Destruction of Hieizan, 1571
Removal of Barriers, 1568
Free Market and Abolition of Za, 1577
Collection of Swords, 1588
Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s Vermilion Seal Letter…
Nagamasa on Cadastral Survey, 1590
Nagamasa on Cadastral Survey, 1590
Cadastral Survey, 1598
Census-Taking, 1591
Edict on Change of Status, 1591
Control of Daimyo, 1595
Control of Mt. Koya, 1585
Limitation on the Propagation of Christianity…
Expulsion of the Missionaries, 1587
St. Francis Xavier’s View of Japanese, c. 1550
Cosme de Torres on Japanese Receptivity, c. 1550
Alessandro Valignano on Japanese Prudence…
Alessandro Valignano on Patience and…
Alessandro Valignano on Sensual Vices…
Joao Rodrigues on Japanese Craftiness, c. 1610
Oath of Fealty
Laws of Military Households, 1615
Amendments of Kanei to Buke Shohatto, 1635
The Group of Five, 1632
Farmers and Annual Tax, 1603
Sale of Land in Perpetuity Forbidden, 1643
Proscription of Parcelization of Land, 1672
Injunctions for Peasants, c. 1619
Regulations for Villagers, 1643
Regulations for the Residents of Edo, 1655
Regulations Regarding Lawsuits, 1633
Regulations for Temples in Different Domains
The Edict of 1635 Ordering the Closing of Japan
Completion of the Exclusion, 1639
The Fate of the Embassy from Macau…
Renouncing the Kirishitan, 1645
Of the Dutch Trade in Japan, 1692
McCullough, Classical Japanese Prose: 378-421 (selections)
377-379 Medieval Recluse-Memoirists
377-379 Medieval Recluse-Memoirists
In both of these fascinating literary pieces, read strategically, but try to enjoy at least several
sections slowly and carefully, to get a sense of the literary "flow."
379-392 An Account of My Hermitage.
393-421 Essays in Idleness
sections slowly and carefully, to get a sense of the literary "flow."
379-392 An Account of My Hermitage.
393-421 Essays in Idleness
Part One (partial)
*** ***
(due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 27)
See my class attendance and participation policy
Late assignments will be penalized—see my late assignment policy
Late assignments will be penalized—see my late assignment policy
Week IV
(September 21, 23)
Consult this excellent "Quick Guide" to Chicago-style Citation.
Monday, September 21
Ohnuki-Tierney, Rice as Self (entire book)
Wednesday, September 23
LaFleur, Writing, History, and Culture (Rob's Writing Guide)
Ohnuki-Tierney, Rice as Self (entire book)
Food as a Metaphor of Self: An Exercise in Historical Anthropology
Rice and Rice Agriculture Today
Rice as a Staple Food?
Rice in Cosmogony and Cosmology
Rice as Self, Rice Paddies as Our Land
Rice in the Discourse of Selves and Others
Foods as Selves and Others in Cross-cultural Perspective
Symbolic Practice through Time: Self, Ethnicity, and Nationalism
Food as a Metaphor of Self: An Exercise in Historical Anthropology
Rice and Rice Agriculture Today
Rice as a Staple Food?
Rice in Cosmogony and Cosmology
Rice as Self, Rice Paddies as Our Land
Rice in the Discourse of Selves and Others
Foods as Selves and Others in Cross-cultural Perspective
Symbolic Practice through Time: Self, Ethnicity, and NationalismWednesday, September 23
LaFleur, Writing, History, and Culture (Rob's Writing Guide)
Read Part One; look through section two, and we'll discuss it over the term.
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lectures 44-45
44: Nature Gods and Tricksters of Polynesia
45: Creation and Misbehavior in Micronesia
Kurosawa, The Seven Samurai (七人の侍)
44: Nature Gods and Tricksters of Polynesia
45: Creation and Misbehavior in Micronesia
Kurosawa, The Seven Samurai (七人の侍)
Part One (remainder)
Part Two
*** ***
(due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 27)
See my class attendance and participation policy
Late assignments will be penalized—see my late assignment policy
Late assignments will be penalized—see my late assignment policy
Week V
(September 28, 30)
Consult this excellent "Quick Guide" to Chicago-style Citation.
Monday, September 28
Berry, Mary Elizabeth, Japan in Print (entire book; use your strategic reading skills)
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History, 273-344
From here on in, read section headers and source titles (this should take twenty to thirty minutes). Build your "document persual" skills. As you have been learning, this is not like "regular" reading, but it is not "skimming." You will find some useful documents for your final "source paper."
The End of Tokugawa Rule
Early Meiji Political Developments
A Traveling Clerk Goes to the Bookstores
The Library of Public Information
Maps are Strange
Blood Right and Merit
The Freedom and the City
Cultural Custody, Cultural Literacy
Wednesday, September 30LaFleur, Writing, History, and Culture (Rob's Writing Guide)
Carefully read pages 32-35 (the introduction to Part Two). You will find the context
Carefully read pages 32-35 (the introduction to Part Two). You will find the context
very useful when you receive your papers tomorrow.
Great Mythologies of the World (on library reserve): Lectures 46-48
46: Melanesian Myths of Life and Cannibalism
47: Origins in Indonesia and the Philippines
48: Aboriginal and Colonial Myths of Australia
46: Melanesian Myths of Life and Cannibalism
47: Origins in Indonesia and the Philippines
48: Aboriginal and Colonial Myths of Australia
Stalker, Japan: History and Culture, 144-173
Maintaining Control: Tokugawa Official Culture Lu, Japan: A Documentary History, 273-344
From here on in, read section headers and source titles (this should take twenty to thirty minutes). Build your "document persual" skills. As you have been learning, this is not like "regular" reading, but it is not "skimming." You will find some useful documents for your final "source paper."
The End of Tokugawa Rule
Early Meiji Political Developments
Exam (Monday 10/5)
*** ***
Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 18
See my class attendance and participation policy
Late assignments will be penalized—see my late assignment policy
Late assignments will be penalized—see my late assignment policy
Week VI
(October 5, 7)
Consult this excellent "Quick Guide" to Chicago-style Citation.
Monday, October 5
LaFleur, "Styling Culture: Chicago-Style Footnotes and Endnotes"
Citation of single-author books and single-author articles will be on the exam.
(Cut and paste; or search "Chicago Citation" on Round and Square.
Dower, John. Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II
(Part I; this much will be on the exam tonight)
Wednesday, October 7
Part I: Victor and Vanquished
Shattered Lives
Gifts from Heaven
Part II: Transcending Despair
Kyodatsu: Exhaustion and Despair
Cultures of Defeat
Bridges of Language
Part III: Revolutions
Neocolonial Revolution
Embracing Revolution
Making Revolution
Paul Cohen, Preface and Prologue (.pdf)
(This brief reading will be very important leading into your final assignment; you need to read both the preface and the prologue; both are very important).
Dower, John. Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II
(Parts II-III, and then "explore" the rest, which I'll explain)
Monday, October 12
Wednesday, October 14
(Parts II-III, and then "explore" the rest, which I'll explain)
Part II: Transcending Despair
****Kyodatsu: Exhaustion and Despair (please read this carefully; it is essential)
Cultures of Defeat
Bridges of Language
Part III: Revolutions
Neocolonial Revolution
Embracing Revolution
Making Revolution
Lu, Japan: A Documentary History, 459-524
Read section headers and source titles (this should take twenty minutes). Build your "document
persual" skills. As you have been learning, this is not like "regular" reading, but it is not "skimming."
Japan Under Occupation
Read section headers and source titles (this should take twenty minutes). Build your "document
persual" skills. As you have been learning, this is not like "regular" reading, but it is not "skimming."
Japan Under Occupation
*** ***
Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 18
See my class attendance and participation policy
Late assignments will be penalized—see my late assignment policy
Late assignments will be penalized—see my late assignment policy
Week VII
(October 12, 14)
Consult this excellent "Quick Guide" to Chicago-style Citation.
LaFleur, Writing, History, and Culture (Rob's Writing Guide)
Reread Part One; Review Part Two
Reread Part One; Review Part Two
Draft 1 of your "final analysis" assignment
due at 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 13.
This is now "recommended" (because of this awful module that we are all trying to manage). If possible, just try to get a few thoughts on paper in any form, just to get started. If this were a regular semester, it would work better, and I just chalk it up to another failure of the modular arrangement.
My recommendation would be to give your analysis a little bit of thought, and write down a few ideas, possibly in the "spoke outline" form on page 12 of the writing guide. Other ways are possible, too. Only if you're ready (but most people aren't, and I don't blame them) is to put together an actual draft...the way that might well have been possible in a real semester. In other words, Tuesday's "assignment" is a recommended "something" on paper...just to get your started.
Bestor, Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World
Bestor, Tsukiji (Do your best, and read the book strategically to find analytical tools for your final "Source Paper." Do not neglect the many illustrations (which are superb).
Tokyo’s Pantry
Grooved Channels
From Landfill to Marketplace
The Raw and the Cooked
Visible Hands
Trading Places
Full Circle Wednesday, October 14
We will finish discussion of Tsukiji (look through the rest of the book).
Draft 2 of your "final analysis" assignment
due at 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 15.
Again, even though we will discuss this in class on Wednesday, try to get something on paper, but all specific requirements are loosened (other than the final due-date, which has little "wiggle room" because grades will be due).
*** ***
Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 18
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[e] Longshot RF |
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