
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Lunar World Preview 2019 02-05 New Year's Day

As the Lunar World Turns
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
[a] Preview RF
It's here, people. The Lunar New Year (Year of the Pig...Hog...Boar). It's exciting, and we have the only six-wide day-column you'll see all year. On top of it, we just keep bleeding days (losing twelve a year from the solar to the lunar calendar, so that the next New Year's day will be January 23, 2020. So what's the big deal about that...I hear you cry? 
 Tuesday's Lunar Calendar
Well, I hate to break it to you on such a fun and wonderful day of calendrical optimism, but we are entering what is called an "Orphan Year." You might have thought that it was exciting to have the solar (of "luni-solar") New Year starting yesterday (February 4...every year). Yup, yesterday was the agricultural calendar's Solar New Year. What that means, though, is that his year runs from February 5, 2020 through January 23, 2021. Yup—no Solar New Year at all. Orphan. Alone. We'll manage, I'm sure, so let's get on to the information in today's day column.
[b] Turtle Beak RF
Day Personality
Constellation Personality (Section Five—Character Six)
Today's "constellation personality" is Beak of the Turtle (觜). It is the twentieth of twenty-eight "lunar mansions" (宿) or "constellations." Traditional calendars state that it portends horrible, evil. It is perhaps the very worst of the twenty-eight lunar mansions. So why would "the calendar" begin the year with one of the worst "things?" Well, there are a few ways to control the intersecting cycles of the Chinese calendar, but, for the most part, there is only so much a calendrical specialist can control (you can look up the cycles for the future, and bookstores are full of these volumes). of the most wonderful days of the year is overseen by the very worst "personality" of all. And we deal with it.
 Jianchu Personality (Section Five—Character Seven)
The jianchu "personality" is Danger (). It is the eighth of twelve characters in the jianchu cycle. It is the not-as-bad-as-you-might-think, and is even printed in red ink. It is a day of danger and opportunity, so grasp your chances (but don't get too confident). That is the basic message of the calendar.
Lucky Stars
(Section Two)
There are six beneficent asterisms today (no day is as jam-packed): Fortunate Engendering (福生), Yin General, (陰德), Discarding Spirits (除神), Chirp-Bark, which is particularly interesting (鳴吠), Great Clarity (大明), and Spirits Reside (神在). They shine over Lunar World with red-ink wonder.

Auspicious Times
(Section Three)
We see a "balanced" day today. There are four inauspicious (凶) two-hour periods, four in-between () times, and, yup, four auspicious () times. This is the way that it is supposed to be. Good stuff.
[c] Cultivating RF
Things to Avoid
(Section Four)
It's a bad day for six things: Lawsuits and Litigation (詞訟), Setting-up Production (置產), Planting and Cultivation (栽種), Constructing Dikes (築堤), New Boats (新船), and Entering Water (進水). You have to decide how to interpret them, since that is all that the text says. One of the fascinating things about reading traditional literature is to get a sense of how people did interpret some of these categories.
Just Plain Counting
(Section Four—Characters 1-4)
It is the first (初一) day of the first lunar month. Yup, the very first day of the (lunar) year. The cycle of sixty character is #10 guiyou (癸酉). The days cycle—1, 2, 3, 58, 59, 60, 1, 2, 3...—in perpetuity. 
Elemental (and Phased)
(Section Five—Character 5)
Today's slice of the "Five Phases" (sometimes called the "Five Elements") is Metal (金). Ordinarily, the Five Phases weave their way, two-by-two, through the calendar. Yesterday was Metal. Today is Metal, and tomorrow is Fire.
Appropriate Things
(Section Six)
Every day except this one has a list of appropriate things to do (in contrast to Section Four—Things to Avoid. Not today. Instead, we see a long list of calendrical cycles and lucky directions. The good news is that they're all in red, and as auspicious as auspicious can be.
Tuesday's Lunar Calendar
 See You Tomorrow
O.k., folks. Enjoy your New Year's Day, and I'll see you back here soon for a preview of the coming days.
[d] New Year's Anticipation RF

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