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On this date in Round and Square History
HIST 310
Spring 2019
Tuesdays 7:10-11:00
Robert André LaFleur Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 206 Tuesdays 5:30-7:00
363-2005 Thursdays 4:00-5:30
lafleur@beloit.edu363-2005 Thursdays 4:00-5:30
Required Books
New York Review of Books (copies available at Turtle Creek Bookstore)
Round and Square Blog (www.robert-lafleur.blogspot.com)
*** ***
Durkheim, Emile. Selected Writings (Cambridge).Fournier, Marcel. Marcel Mauss: A Biography.
Granet, Marcel. Festivals and Songs in Ancient China.
Granet, Marcel. The Religion of the Chinese People (.pdf)
Higonnet, Patrice. Paris: Capital of the World.
James, Wendy. Marcel Mauss: A Centenary Tribute (Berghahn, 1998).
Kern, Stephen. The Culture of Time and Space: 1880-1918.
Lukes, Stephen. Emile Durkheim: His Life and Work.
Mauss, Marcel. Manual of Ethnography (Berghahn, 2007).
Mauss, Marcel. The Gift.
Robb, Graham. Discovery of France.
Tuchman, Barbara. The Guns of August
Verne, Jules. Around the World in Eight Days.
Weber, Eugene. Peasants into Frenchmen.
Quizzes/attendance 10%
Letter Assignment 5%
Research Prospectus 5%
Midterm Exam 10%
Research Proposal 5%
Research Presentation 10%
Exam II or Senior Series 10%
Research Paper 45%
Daily attendance and class participation are expected; absences during the semester will affect your grade. Late assignments will be penalized.
HIST 310
The Other Studies Another
Spring 2019
Week I
A Big, New World
January 22
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Jules Verne. Around the World in Eighty Days
Le Tour de la France—Introduction
Le Tour de la France—Read ALL ELEVEN posts!!! (the links are clearly marked)
1,000-word "miniature" review essay examining
themes in Le Tour de la France and Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days
This should be written as a brief, but well-structured
academic essay, and not an "informal" work.
Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 27
Click Here to Review the Late Assignment Policy
Jules Verne. Around the World in Eighty Days
Le Tour de la France—Introduction
Le Tour de la France—Read ALL ELEVEN posts!!! (the links are clearly marked)
1,000-word "miniature" review essay examining
themes in Le Tour de la France and Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days
This should be written as a brief, but well-structured
academic essay, and not an "informal" work.
Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 27
Weeks II
Snowy Interlude
January 29 Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
New York Review of Books Click for separate New York Review of Books Syllabus
Deep Freeze in Beloit. No Class.
Deep Freeze in Beloit. No Class.
*** ***
Hard copy in my office (MI 206)
Week III
Icy Interlude
February 5 Icy Interlude
Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
*** ***
Hard copy in my office (MI 206)
Week IV
Durkheim, Mauss, Granet—1
See the Class Attendance Policy Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Granet, The Religion of the Chinese People: 1-29
Maurice Freedman, “Marcel Granet, 1884-1940, Sociologist” (.pdf)
Stein, The World in Miniature: 1-3 (.pdf)
In Memory of Marcel Granet
LaFleur, "La Pensée Categorique" (.pdf)
Marcel Granet. The Religion of the Chinese People: 33-156
Peasant Religion
Rural Life
Holy Places and Peasant Festivals
Ancient Beliefs
Popular Mythology and Folklore
Feudal Religion
The Life of the Nobles
The Cult of Heaven
Agrarian Cults
The Cult of the Ancestors
The Official Religion
The Literati
Orthodox Metaphysics and Morality
Cults and Beliefs
Religious Revivals
Religious Sentiment in Modern China
Stephen Kern. The Culture of Time and Space: 1880-1918
The Nature of Time
The Past
The Present
The Future
The Nature of Space
Temporality of the July Crisis
The Cubist War
Anthony Giddens. Emile Durkheim: Selected Writings, 1-107
Durkheim’s writings in sociology and social philosophy
The field of sociology
of explanation and analysis
Week I Rewrite Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 17
1. Take out your original assignment (the paper copy with my green markings.
2. Open your original assignment on your computer.
3. Hit "Save As," and Open a New File (maybe called "Paper 1 Rewrite").
4. As you check your marked-up assignment change at least one page worth of
those green numbers. Really think about the changes.
5. Turn in both of your papers together (the first, with green markings, as well as your
revised papers; there are paper clips outside my office).
*** ***
Hard copy in my office (MI 206)
Week V
Durkheim, Mauss, Granet—3
See the Class Attendance Policy Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Watch or Listen to "Peasant Folktales and Chinese Scholarship." Check your e-mail.
Marcel Granet. Festivals and Songs in Ancient China
I The Love Songs of the Shih Ching
How to Read a Classic
Rustic Themes
Village Loves
Songs of the Rivers and Mountains
II The Ancient Festivals
Local Festivals
Facts and Interpretations
The Seasonal Rhythm
The Holy Places
The Contests
Marcel Granet. The Religion of the Chinese People: 37-56
(Please read very carefully...again; bring your marked-up physical copy* to class—I will collect them).
Peasant Religion
Rural Life
Holy Places and Peasant Festivals
Ancient Beliefs
Popular Mythology and Folklore
*I will make physical copies available to you if you want them (just e-mail me).
You need to read actively and mark passages in advance of class discussion.
*** ***
Hard copy in my office (MI 206)
Steven Lukes. Emile Durkheim: His Life and Work
Part One: Youth: 1858-87
The Ecole Normale Supérieure
The New Science of Sociology
Visit to Germany
Part Two: Bordeaux: 1887-1902
Durkheim at Bordeaux
The Theory and Practice of Education
Social Solidarity and the Division of Labor
The Family and Kinship
The Method and Subject Matter of Sociology
The Sociology of Religion-I
The History of Socialism
The Sociology of Law and Politics
The History of Sociology
The Année sociologique
The Reception of Durkheim’s Ideas
Socialism, the Dreyfus Affair and Secular Education
Part Three: Paris: 1902-1917
Durkheim at the Sorbonne
The History of Education in France
Durkheimian Sociology: Its Context and Relation to Other Disciplines
The Sociology of Morality
The Sociology of Knowledge
The Sociology of Religion-II
Pragmatism and Sociology
Durkheim and His Critics
Practical Concerns
The War
*** ***
Hard copy in my office (MI 206)
Week VII
Durkheim, Mauss, Granet—5
March 5 Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Marcel Fournier. Marcel Mauss: A Biography
Part I: Durkheim’s Nephew
Épinal, Bordeaux, Paris
Student at the École Pratique des Haute Études
Rites of Institution: Early Publications and Travel Abroad
Part II: The Totem and Taboo Clan
In the Cenacle
Citizen Mauss
Rue Saint-Jacques
Journalist at Humanité
Collective Madness
A Heated Battle at the Collège de France: The Loisy Affair
Not a Very Funny War
Part III: The Heir
(The Socialist) Life Goes On
A Burdensome Inheritance
The Institute d’Ethnologie
Sociology, a Lost Cause?
Part IV: Recognition
A Place at the Collège de France
Where Professors Devour One Another
Enough to Make You Despair of Politics
The Time of Myths
Epilogue: The War and Postwar Years
LaFleur, Writing, History, and Culture (read the entire manuscript)
*** ***
Due by Sunday, March 24 (my office—MI 206)
VIII—Spring Break
March 19Discuss Your Research Prospectus Plan (Read the Assignment, below)!
Anthony Giddens, Emile Durkheim: Selected Writings, 108-268
The Science of Morality
Moral obligation, duty and freedom
Forms of social solidarity
The division of labour and social differentiation
Analysis of socialist doctrines
Anomie and the moral structure of industry
Political sociology
The social bases of education
Religion and ritual
Secularisation and rationality
Sociology of knowledge
*** ***
Week X
Durkheim, Mauss, Granet—7
March 26 Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
New York Review of Books Click for separate New York Review of Books Syllabus
Marcel Mauss, Manual of Ethnography
Preliminary Remarks
Methods of Observation
Social Morphology
Economic Phenomena
Jural Phenomena
Moral Phenomena
Religious Phenomena
Marcel Mauss, Manual of Ethnography
Preliminary Remarks
Methods of Observation
Social Morphology
Economic Phenomena
Jural Phenomena
Moral Phenomena
Religious Phenomena
*** ***
Final Research Papers Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 5
Week XI
A Changing France—1
April 2Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Robb, Graham. The Discovery of France
Part One
The Undiscovered Continent
The Tribes of France I
The Tribes of France II
O Òc Sí Bai Ya Win Oui Awè Jo Ja Oua
Living in France I: The Face in the Museum
Living in France II: A Simple Life
Fairies, Virgins, Gods, and Priests
Migrants and Communters
Interlude: The Sixty Million Others
Part Two
Travelling in France I: The Avenues of Paris
Travelling in France II: The Hare and the Tortoise
The Wonders of France
Postcards of the Natives
Lost Provinces
Journey to the Centre of France
Epilogue: Secrets
*** ***
Final Research Papers Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 5
Week XII
A Changing France—2
April 9Round and Square Click for separate Round and Square Syllabus
Weber, Peasants into Frenchmen
Part I: The Way Things Were
A Country of Savages
The Mad Beliefs
The King’s Foot
Alone With One’s Fellows
From Justice, Lord, Deliver Us!
A Wealth of Tongues
France, One and Indivisible
The Working of the Land
Give Us This Day
From ‘Subsistance’ to ‘Habitat’
The Family
Part II: The Agencies of Change
Roads, Roads, and Still More Roads
Keeping Up With Yesterday
Rus in Urbe
Peasants and Politics
Migration: An Industry of the Poor
Migration of Another Sort: Military Service
Civilizing in Earnest: Schools and Schooling
Dieu Et-il Français?
The Priests and the People
Part III: Change and Assimilation
The Way of All Feasts
Markets and Fairs
The Oral Wisdom
Fled is That Music
Le Papier Qui Parle
Wring Out the Old
Cultures and Civilization
*** ***
Final Research Papers Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 5
Marcel Mauss, The Gift
April 16
Marcel Mauss, The Gift
Foreword: Puzzles and Pathways by Bill Maurer
Translator's Introduction: The Gift that Keeps on Giving by Jane Guyer
In Memoriam: The Unpublished Works of Durkheim and His Collaborators
*Essay on the Gift: The Form and Sense of Exchange in Archaic Societies
Selected Reviews
*** ***
Final Research Papers Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 5
Week XIV
A Changing France—3
April 23
New York Review of Books Click for separate New York Review of Books Syllabus
Barbara Tuchman. The Guns of August
1. A Funeral
2. "Let the Last Man on the Right Brush the Channel...
3. The Shadow of Sedan
4. "A Single British Soldier..."
5. The Russian Steam Roller
6. August 1: Berlin
7. August 1: Paris and London
8. Ultimatum in Brussels
9. "Home Before the Leaves Fall"
10. "Goeben...An Enemy Then Flying"
11. Liège and Alsace
12. BEF to the Continent
13. Sambre et Meuse
14. Debacle: Lorraine, Ardennes, Charleroi, Mons
15. "The Cossacks Are Coming!"
16. Tannenberg
17. The Flames of Louvain
18. Blue Water, Blockade, and the Great Neutral
19. Retreat
20. The Front is Paris
21. Von Kluck's Turn
22. "Gentlemen, We Will Fight on the Marne"
Week XV
Barbara Tuchman. The Guns of August
1. A Funeral
2. "Let the Last Man on the Right Brush the Channel...
3. The Shadow of Sedan
4. "A Single British Soldier..."
5. The Russian Steam Roller
6. August 1: Berlin
7. August 1: Paris and London
8. Ultimatum in Brussels
9. "Home Before the Leaves Fall"
10. "Goeben...An Enemy Then Flying"
11. Liège and Alsace
12. BEF to the Continent
13. Sambre et Meuse
14. Debacle: Lorraine, Ardennes, Charleroi, Mons
15. "The Cossacks Are Coming!"
16. Tannenberg
17. The Flames of Louvain
18. Blue Water, Blockade, and the Great Neutral
19. Retreat
20. The Front is Paris
21. Von Kluck's Turn
22. "Gentlemen, We Will Fight on the Marne"
Final Research Papers Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 5
Week XV
A Changing France—3
April 30
No class; work on your papers.
No class; work on your papers.
Final Research Papers Due by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 5
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