
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Historical Thought Essay II Spring 2017

On this date on Round and Square's History 
29 January 2016
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Historical Thought Essay II
All Classes
Spring 2017

Read the materials assigned in weeks two and three in your courses. Thes essay is due on Sunday, February 5 (at 5:00 p.m.) as a .pdf file sent to

Write an essay of 1,000 words (about three pages) explaining what you think that historical thought (or historical imagination) relation to the primary sources you have studied. Now you are using actual primary sources (look up this phrase if you are not sure about it).
Students in all classes must add an illustration to the essay (think about our New York Review of Books discussions).

     HIST 150: D.C. Lau's translation of Confucius's Analects. It's "the Analects"....but it is also an interpretation. Use this source to discuss "historical thought" or "historical imagination."

     HIST 190: William Edgar Geil's archive (and the books you have read thus far...such as Adventures in the African Jungle...). Use these sources to discuss "historical thought" or "historical imagination."

     HIST 210. All of the sources you have been assigned thus far in the Ebrey or Mair books. Use these sources to discuss "historical thought" or "historical imagination." 

Use specific examples (and quotations) from the sources that were assigned.

Use examples from your own life and study (including your study of history—as always).
In short, think about how many people think about the word "history" (歷史/历史)..but with specific sources that have been assigned. Then, using what you have learned the courses thus far, write your own essay that discusses the concept of "historical thought" or "historical imagination"...with specific reference to the primary sources (look it up) that you have been assigned.

And add an illustration to your text (it can be from any source, including your own artwork if you really want to).

***  ***
Letters are Due (as .pdf files—attach to an e-mail to
by 5:00 p.m on Sunday, February 5, 2017.

Add the word count and your Beloit College mailbox number to all papers!

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