*** ***
On this date in Round and Square History17 January 2015—Confucius and the World Syllabus-b (HIST 150)
17 January 2015—China's Lunar Calendar: 2015 01-17
17 January 2014—China's Lunar Calendar: 2014 01-17
17 January 2013—Channeling Liam: Wall Maps
17 January 2012—Prairie Ethnography: Bavaria (Wieder)
17 January 2011—Theory Cartoons: Resource Center
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[a] Entrance RF |
History 310
Spring 2016
Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-11:50 a.m.
Robert André LaFleur Office Hours:
Morse Ingersoll 111 Tuesday
363-2005 Thursday
12:00-1:30 lafleur@beloit.edu …or by
Required Books
Ames, Roger T., and Henry Rosemont, Jr. The Analects of Confucius Ames, Roger T. Confucian Role Ethics: A Vocabulary
Bateson, Gregory. Steps to an Ecology of Mind
Durkheim, Emile. Emile Durkheim: Selected Writings
Eisenstein, Sergei. Film Form
Fingarette, Herbert. Confucius: The Secular as Sacred
Makeham, John. Transmitters and Creators
Marx, Karl. The Portable Karl Marx
Mead, George H. Mind, Self, & Society
Mills, C. Wright. The Sociological Imagination
Singer, Dorothy G. A Piaget Primer: How a Child Thinks
Simmel, Georg. On Individuality and Social Forms
Sun, Anna. Confucianism as a World Religion
Veblen, Thorstein. The Theory of the Leisure Class
Weber, Max. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology
All books are on library reserve
On Library Reserve—Required Reading
Coser, Lewis A. Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and Social Context
Course Description
Confucius’s slim,
posthumous text, the Analects, is one of the most influential books in
human history, and has shaped a way of thinking about social
relationships that has profoundly influenced Chinese, Japanese, and
Korean families for many centuries. Its “reach” has extended markedly
with China’s newfound place in changing world. This course will examine
the “sociology” of the Analects in relation to some of the most
fascinating social theory of the last century. Students will examine
“social agency theory,” and analyze it with and “against” Confucius’s
own “social theory” throughout the term. Final projects will emphasize
students’ own major strengths in anthropology, history, sociology, and
Chinese studies.
Prerequisite: junior status and two courses in history, anthropology, or
Asian studies (or consent of instructor).
Quizzes/attendance 15%
Midterm Exam 25%
Research Proposal 15%
Research Paper 45%
Research Paper 45%
Daily attendance
and class participation are expected; absences during the semester will
affect your grade. Late assignments will
be penalized.
History 310
Confucius: History, Culture, Text
Spring 2016
Week IX
Midterm Exam Week
Tuesday, March 15
In-class exam preparation.
Thursday, March 17
In-class written exam (ninety minutes)
Reading TBA
Essay portion of midterm examination due by noon on Monday, March 21
Week X
Confucian Commentary
Tuesday, March 22
New York Review of Books (click for NYRB syllabus)
Round and Square Syllabus (click for RSQ syllabus)
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 103-133 (Books 6-10)
Makeham, Transmitters and Creators
Round and Square Syllabus (click for RSQ syllabus)
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 103-133 (Books 6-10)
Makeham, Transmitters and Creators
Part I Commentary as Authority
He Yan, Authorship, and Xuanxue Thought
Innovation As/Through Form
Part II Commentary as Philosophy
Huang Kan and the Shu Genre
The Philosophical Character of Elucidation of Meaning
Buddhist and Institutional Influences on Huang's Thought
Part I Commentary as Authority
He Yan, Authorship, and Xuanxue Thought
Innovation As/Through Form
Part II Commentary as Philosophy
Huang Kan and the Shu Genre
The Philosophical Character of Elucidation of Meaning
Buddhist and Institutional Influences on Huang's Thought
Thursday, March 24
Makeham, Transmitters and Creators
Part III Beyond Method: Zhu Xi's Lunyu jizhu (Collected Annotations on the Analects)
Zhu Xi, Commentary, and the Analects
Zhu Xi on Learning
The Rhetoric and Reality of Learning to Be a Sage
Part IV Method and Truth: Liu Baonan's...Lunyu zhengyi (Correct Meaning of the Analects)
Liu Baonan and Liu Gongmian
Liu Baonan and Han Learning
Confucius as Cultural Custodian
Zhu Xi, Commentary, and the Analects
Zhu Xi on Learning
The Rhetoric and Reality of Learning to Be a Sage
Part IV Method and Truth: Liu Baonan's...Lunyu zhengyi (Correct Meaning of the Analects)
Liu Baonan and Liu Gongmian
Liu Baonan and Han Learning
Confucius as Cultural Custodian
Week XI
Confucian Role Ethics
Tuesday, March 29
New York Review of Books (click for NYRB syllabus)
Round and Square Syllabus (click for RSQ syllabus)
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 134-193 (Books 11-15)
Ames, Confucian Role Ethics
Round and Square Syllabus (click for RSQ syllabus)
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 134-193 (Books 11-15)
Ames, Confucian Role Ethics
Introduction: "Appreciating Confucianism
An Interpretive Context for Understanding Confucianism
The Confucian Project: Attaining Relational Virtuosity
An Interpretive Context for Understanding Confucianism
The Confucian Project: Attaining Relational Virtuosity
Thursday, March 31
Ames, Confucian Role Ethics
Confucian Role Ethics
Confucian Human-Centered Religiousness
Epilogue: The Limits of Confucian Role Ethics
Confucian Human-Centered Religiousness
Epilogue: The Limits of Confucian Role Ethics
Week XII
Thorstein Veblen and the Leisure Class
Tuesday, April 5
New York Review of Books (click for NYRB syllabus)
Round and Square Syllabus (click for RSQ syllabus)
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 194-229 (Books 16-20)
Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class
Round and Square Syllabus (click for RSQ syllabus)
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 194-229 (Books 16-20)
Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class
Note on the Text
Select Bibliography
A Chronology of Thorstein Bunde Veblen
Pecuniary Emulation
Conspicuous Leisure
Conspicuous Consumption
The Pecuniary Standard of Living
Pecuniary Canons of Taste
Note on the Text
Select Bibliography
A Chronology of Thorstein Bunde Veblen
Pecuniary Emulation
Conspicuous Leisure
Conspicuous Consumption
The Pecuniary Standard of Living
Pecuniary Canons of Taste
Thursday, April 7
Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class
Dress as an Expression of the Pecuniary Culture
Industrial Exemption and Conservatism
The Conservation of Archaic Traits
Modern Survivals of Prowess
The Belief in Luck
Devout Observances
Survivals of the Non-Invidious Interest
The Higher Learning as an Expression of the Pecuniary Culture
Coser, Masters of Sociological Thought
Thorstein Veblen 1857-1929
The Work, 263
The Man, 275
The Intellectual Context, 289
The Social Context, 293
In Summary, 301
Industrial Exemption and Conservatism
The Conservation of Archaic Traits
Modern Survivals of Prowess
The Belief in Luck
Devout Observances
Survivals of the Non-Invidious Interest
The Higher Learning as an Expression of the Pecuniary Culture
Coser, Masters of Sociological Thought
Thorstein Veblen 1857-1929
The Work, 263
The Man, 275
The Intellectual Context, 289
The Social Context, 293
In Summary, 301
Jean Piaget and Development
Jean Piaget and Development
Tuesday, April 12
New York Review of Books (click for NYRB syllabus)
Round and Square Syllabus (click for RSQ syllabus)
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 71-102 (Books 1-5)
Singer, A Piaget Primer: How a Child Thinks
Round and Square Syllabus (click for RSQ syllabus)
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 71-102 (Books 1-5)
Singer, A Piaget Primer: How a Child Thinks
Preface to the Revised Edition
Jean Piaget and His Theory
The Stages of a Child's Development
How Intelligence Develops
Playing and Imitating
Preface to the Revised Edition
Jean Piaget and His Theory
The Stages of a Child's Development
How Intelligence Develops
Playing and Imitating
Thursday, April 14
Singer, A Piaget Primer: How a Child Thinks
How Language Develops
Discovering Space, Time, and Numbers
Learning About Right and Wrong
Beyond Piaget: Using His Theory for Teaching, Learning, and Parenting
Discovering Space, Time, and Numbers
Learning About Right and Wrong
Beyond Piaget: Using His Theory for Teaching, Learning, and Parenting
Week XIV
Sergei Eisenstein and "Segments"
Sergei Eisenstein and "Segments"
Tuesday, April 19
New York Review of Books (click for NYRB syllabus)
Round and Square Syllabus (click for RSQ syllabus)
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 103-133 (Books 6-10)
Eisenstein, Film Form
Round and Square Syllabus (click for RSQ syllabus)
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 103-133 (Books 6-10)
Eisenstein, Film Form
Through Theater to Cinema
The Unexpected
The Cinematographic Principle and the Ideogram
A Dialectic Approach to Film Form
The Filmic Fourth Dimension
Methods of Montage
Through Theater to Cinema
The Unexpected
The Cinematographic Principle and the Ideogram
A Dialectic Approach to Film Form
The Filmic Fourth Dimension
Methods of Montage
Thursday, April 21
Eisenstein, Film Form
A Course in Treatment
Film Language
Film Form: New Problems
The Structure of the Film
Dickens, Griffith, and the Film Today
Film Language
Film Form: New Problems
The Structure of the Film
Dickens, Griffith, and the Film Today
Week XV
Gregory Bateson and "Schismogenesis"
Gregory Bateson and "Schismogenesis"
Tuesday, April 26
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 134-193 (Books 11-15)
Bateson, Steps to An Ecology of Mind
Bateson, Steps to An Ecology of Mind
Foreword by Mary Catherine Bateson, 1999
Foreword, 1971
Introduction: The Science of Mind and Order
Part I: Metalogues
Metalogue: Why Do Things Get in a Muddle
Metalogue: Why Do Frenchmen?
Metalogue: About Games and Being Serious
Metalogue: How Much Do You Know?
Metalogue: Why Do Things Have Outlines?
Metalogue: Why a Swan?
Metalogue: What Is an Instinct?
Part II: Form and Pattern in Anthropology
Culture Contact and Schismogenesis
Experiments in Thinking about Observed Ethnological Material
Morale and National Character
Bali: The Value System of a Steady State
Style, Grace, and Information in Primitive Art
Comment on Part II
Part III: Form and Pathology in Relationship
Social Planning and the Concept of Deurtero-Learning
A Theory of Play and Fantasy
Epidemiology of a Schizophrenia
Toward a Theory of Schizophrenia
The Group Dynamics of Schizophrenia
Minimal Requirements for a Theory of Schizophrenia
Double Blind, 1969
The Logical Categories of Learning and Communication
The Cybernetics of "Self": A Theory of Alcoholism
Comment on Part III
On Empty-Headedness among Biologists and State Boards of Education
The Role of Somatic Change in Evolution
Problems of Cetacean and Other Mammalian Communication
A Re-examination of "Bateson's Rule"
Comments on Part IV
Part V: Epistomology and Ecology
Cybernetic Explanation
Redundancy and Coding
Conscious Purpose versus Nature
Effects of Conscious Purpose on Human Adaptation
Form, Substance and Difference
Comment on Part V
Part VI: Crisis in the Ecology of Mind
From Versailles to Cybernetics
Pathologies of Epistemology
The Roots of Ecological Crisis
Ecology and Flexibility in Urban Civilization
Foreword, 1971
Introduction: The Science of Mind and Order
Part I: Metalogues
Metalogue: Why Do Things Get in a Muddle
Metalogue: Why Do Frenchmen?
Metalogue: About Games and Being Serious
Metalogue: How Much Do You Know?
Metalogue: Why Do Things Have Outlines?
Metalogue: Why a Swan?
Metalogue: What Is an Instinct?
Part II: Form and Pattern in Anthropology
Culture Contact and Schismogenesis
Experiments in Thinking about Observed Ethnological Material
Morale and National Character
Bali: The Value System of a Steady State
Style, Grace, and Information in Primitive Art
Comment on Part II
Part III: Form and Pathology in Relationship
Social Planning and the Concept of Deurtero-Learning
A Theory of Play and Fantasy
Epidemiology of a Schizophrenia
Toward a Theory of Schizophrenia
The Group Dynamics of Schizophrenia
Minimal Requirements for a Theory of Schizophrenia
Double Blind, 1969
The Logical Categories of Learning and Communication
The Cybernetics of "Self": A Theory of Alcoholism
Comment on Part III
Thursday, April 28
Bateson, Steps to An Ecology of Mind
Part IV: Biology and EvolutionOn Empty-Headedness among Biologists and State Boards of Education
The Role of Somatic Change in Evolution
Problems of Cetacean and Other Mammalian Communication
A Re-examination of "Bateson's Rule"
Comments on Part IV
Part V: Epistomology and Ecology
Cybernetic Explanation
Redundancy and Coding
Conscious Purpose versus Nature
Effects of Conscious Purpose on Human Adaptation
Form, Substance and Difference
Comment on Part V
Part VI: Crisis in the Ecology of Mind
From Versailles to Cybernetics
Pathologies of Epistemology
The Roots of Ecological Crisis
Ecology and Flexibility in Urban Civilization
Week XVI
Text, History, Culture
Tuesday, May 3
Ames and Rosemont, The Analects of Confucius, 194-229 (Books 16-20)
Sun, Confucianism as a World Religion
Sun, Confucianism as a World Religion
Confusions over Confucianism
Part I, The Puzzle of Classification: How Did Confucianism Become a World Religion?
Four Controversies over the Religious Nature of Confucianism: A Brief History of Confucianism
The Making of World Religion: Confucianism and the Emergence of Comparative....
The Confucianism as a Religion Controversy in Contemporary China
Part II, The Problem of Methodology: Who Are the Confucians in China?
Confucianism as a World Religion: The Legitimation of a New Paradigm
Counting Confucians through Social Scientific Research
To Become a Confucian: A New Conceptual Framework
Part III, The Reality of Practices: Is Confucianism a Religion in China Today?
The Emerging Voices of Women in the Revival of Confucianism
The Contemporary Revival and Reinvention of Confucian Ritual Practices
The Politics of the Future of Confucianism
Confusions over Confucianism
Part I, The Puzzle of Classification: How Did Confucianism Become a World Religion?
Four Controversies over the Religious Nature of Confucianism: A Brief History of Confucianism
The Making of World Religion: Confucianism and the Emergence of Comparative....
The Confucianism as a Religion Controversy in Contemporary China
Part II, The Problem of Methodology: Who Are the Confucians in China?
Confucianism as a World Religion: The Legitimation of a New Paradigm
Counting Confucians through Social Scientific Research
To Become a Confucian: A New Conceptual Framework
Part III, The Reality of Practices: Is Confucianism a Religion in China Today?
The Emerging Voices of Women in the Revival of Confucianism
The Contemporary Revival and Reinvention of Confucian Ritual Practices
The Politics of the Future of Confucianism
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