
Friday, August 14, 2015

Zweirad Szenen (6)—Fundamentals

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On this date on Round and Square's History 
14 August 2014—China's Lunar Calendar 2014 08-14
14 August 2013—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 08-14
14 August 2013—Causal Contingencies: I Love Double Seven 
14 August 2012—Rural Religion in China(10)
14 August 2011—Just Do It Over: Introduction
[a] Got It RF
Back to basics. 

As I wove my way through a heretofore-unbeknownst-to-me little path, I found myself back in the Bavarian social world(s) of street signs and traffic markers (instead of shocking portrayals of Jesus on the cross in the middle of the woods—coming soon). 

And now, I see "Im Grund." My initial reaction (from English that I have only slowly learned not to "translate" into German)...was horror. Why would anyone reside..."Im Grund?" 

Well...genau. Of course. Im Grund is the point of it all. Ask everyone from John Wooden (look him up) to, well, the lunar Lunar World. "Im Grund" (the Internet has fabulous search tools, so knock yourself out) is perfect. Immanuel Kant meets Aristotle...meets...all sorts of practical people (and I mean "practical" in the widest sense...far beyond Kant's First Critique).

And then I cycled away, thinking only of the circuitous meanderings of the Kritik der reinen Vernunft.

Im Grund.
[b] Fundamentals RF

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