
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Round and Square Radio Show 2015 03-04

Click here for "The Round and Square Show" Resource Center—(all posts available)  
Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "The Round and Square Show" (coming soon) 
This is a "small" (小) post—click here for an explanation of Round and Square post lengths.
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On this date on Round and Square's History 
3 March 2014—China's Lunar Calendar 2014 03-03
3 March 2013—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 03-03
3 March 2012—Divinatory Economics: Sacred Mountain Incense 
[a] Nature's bricolage RF
So here we go again. We continue to fly under the radar for the next few weeks, but it is not as though we want no audience at all. If you have been tuning into RSQ for the last few years (we've been at it for four of 'em already), you have read a lot of...stuff. Well, now you can listen (too...and soon you'll be able to watch, as well, but that is another story for another time). 

The Round and Square Show broadcasts on WBCR 90.3 in Beloit, Wisconsin. It is uncertain when podcasts will be available, since there are at least a few legalities to consider before we can get 'er done.
[b] Assortments RF

Even today (3/4/2015), you can listen online from 1-3 p.m. CST (GMT -5).

Here is the idea behind it a nutshell (a longer version can be found in the introduction to this RSQ series). For fourteen years, a talented young man named Garrison Keillor hosted Minnesota Public Radio's morning show on KSJN 91.1 in Minneapolis/St. Paul. My father loved the show, and talked about it almost every evening at dinner. Even as a wee lad, I vaguely knew about Keillor's show (which is only distantly related to A Prairie Home Companion).

Although KSJN's morning show began in 1969, it was not until the early 1980s (when Keillor's role in it was almost over) that I started paying attention. But even the few dozen months I heard changed my life. If I can channel (so to speak) even a little of what Garrison Keillor did on that morning show between 1969 and 1983, Round and Square will "click" for even more people around the world.

It's another big "classical" day on The Round and Square Show, and that has an intensely autobiographical dimension, as "we'll" see. There will be plenty of classical, folk, and country as we proceed.

Stay tuned.
The Round and Square Show
With Rob LaFleur
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
1:00-3:00 p.m. CST (13:00-15:00)
Beloit College WBCR 90.3 FM (live-streaming) 
Listen Here

13:00-13:15     Round and Square...and Bricolage
                             *Bricolage and "Engineering"

13:15-13:54    Beethoven Violin Concerto in D major, Opus 61

13:54-14:15    Bricolage on the Calendar and In Our Lives
                             *Bricolage Bike Seat

14:15-14:53    Brahms Violin Concerto in D major, Opus 77

14:53-15:00    A Look at Upcoming Shows
[c] Patchwork RF

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