
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Besuboru Guy—Hall of Fame

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On this day in Round and Square History
31 July 2012—The Accidental Ethnographer: Means of Ascent
31 July 2012—Hurtin' Country: Much Too Young to Feel (This Damned Old)

[a] Individual and Society RF
可飛ばせ, 細川!
Let 'er rip, Hosokawa!  OR
Fly to base, Hosokawa!
—Common Japanese baseball chant
(Hosokawa is a common (enough) surname, like "Bradley")

And the very best players who let 'er rip (and fly to base)...eventually go to that big baseball diamond in the sky.
[b] Hall of Dome RF

We are going to spend the last eleven posts looking at Japanese baseball greats. Before we look at the pitchers, sluggers, and crafty infielders, why not take spend a day thinking about the Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame.

It is as much as research area as a place to celebrate great players, and now resides in the Tokyo Dome. It is not quite Cooperstown...yet, but the players there are the best of the best (and no one should ever say "...for Japan." Heck, which country has won two World Baseball Classics (and finished third the other time)? Um, Japan.

[If you don't read Japanese, but want to have some sense of the Japanese kana and kanji in these posts, just copy the phrases and paste them into translation software such as Babylon or Google Translate].
[c] Let 'er rip! RF
[Originally posted on August 21, 2014]

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