
Friday, August 15, 2014

Besuboru Guy—Chock Full o' Eel

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One year ago on Round and Square (15 June 2012)—Accidental Ethnographer: A Yankee on the Yangtze (c)
Two years ago on Round and Square (15 June 2011)—Seinfeld Ethnography: Marriage

[a] Individual and Society RF
可飛ばせ, 土田!
Let 'er rip, Tsuchida!  OR
Fly to base, Tsuchida!
—Common Japanese baseball chant
(Tsuchida is a common surname, like "Swenson")
And if you're going to cheer Tsuchida when he let's 'er rip (and flies to base), you need to have your energy stocks topped up.
[b] The works RF

Sushi will do, but so, too, will braised garlic steaks. And chopsticks are everywhere.

Eating at a Japanese baseball game is an experience for American fans who equate the experience with popcorn, hot dogs, and beer.

There is much more.

Now I know what you sophisticates are thinking. "Seattle has sushi" or "Toronto sells hand-made gnocchi." I know it's true, but still, there is nothing like a little eel with your Sapporo brew to make baseball come alive.

Take a look at a few minutes to get a taste of the Japanese baseball experience (the clip is not bad), and we'll pick up the story again tomorrow.

[If you don't read Japanese, but want to have some sense of the Japanese kana and kanji in these posts, just copy the phrases and paste them into translation software such as Babylon or Google Translate].
[c] Hot stuff RF
[Originally posted on August 15, 2014]

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