
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Besuboru Guy—Can o' Corn

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One year ago on Round and Square (14 June 2012)—Accidental Ethnographer: A Yankee on the Yangtze (b)
Two years ago on Round and Square (14 June 2011)—Endings: The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa

[a] Individual and Society RF
可飛ばせ, 土田!
Let 'er rip, Tsuchida!  OR
Fly to base, Tsuchida!
—Common Japanese baseball chant
(Tsuchida is a common surname, like "Swenson")

And you can even hear the cheers from the stands in Japan after you let 'er rip (and fly to base). 

[b] Can o' Corn RF
If you've been reading the last few posts about Japanese baseball cheers, you still may not fully appreciate how intense it all can be. So I have included a few links, just to bring it a little more to life. 

Other than the forty-five year old crank with season tickets at Wrigley Field (who lives in his mother's basement)...and shouts "Can o' Corn" every time a pop fly is hit to right field, there just is nothing like this energy in major league baseball stands. 

Take a look, and we'll wrap up the cheers tomorrow, before moving on to beer and food at the concession stands.

Cheering in Japan. You've really never seen anything quite like it if you just hang out at Fenway Park or Camden Yards.

[If you don't read Japanese, but want to have some sense of the Japanese kana and kanji in these posts, just copy the phrases and paste them into translation software such as Babylon or Google Translate].
[c] Nothing like it RF
[Originally posted on August 14, 2014]

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