
Monday, August 25, 2014

Besuboru Guy—Best Nine Award

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On this day in Round and Square History 
4 August 2012—Rural Religion in China (Introduction)
4 August 2011—Mid-Mountain Temple Road

[a] Individual and Society RF
可飛ばせ, 中山!
Let 'er rip, Nakayama!  OR
Fly to base, Nakayma!
—Common Japanese baseball chant
(Nakayama is a very common surname, like "Daniels")

And the very best players at each position who let 'er rip (and fly to base) in each league (Pacific and Central) are given the Best Nine Award (ベストナイン (日本プロ野球).
[b] Power point RF

In Japan, even the awards have a little team harmony coursing through them.

Voted on by a panel of journalists, the most productive players are awarded, and this is a great positive. The homer-cracking right fielder will be rewarded in multiple ways for his talents, but what about the middle infielder who has power? Or the multiple talents of the wiley catcher—the most important position on the diamond?

In Japan, they each have their own MVP award.

It's just another way that teamwork comes together (in the idiom of individuality). 

And check out the Japanese New Year's card from 1932—Year of the Monkey power.

[If you don't read Japanese, but want to have some sense of the Japanese kana and kanji in these posts, just copy the phrases and paste them into translation software such as Babylon or Google Translate].
[c] Year of the Monkey New Year's Card, 1932 RF
[Originally posted on August 25, 2014]

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