
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Lederhosen Pug—Spargel

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One year ago on Round and Square (18 May 2012)—Primary Sources: Little Bird
Two years ago on Round and Square (18 May 2011)—Seinfeld Ethnography: The Doorman

[a] Lederpug RF
                         What is the use of running when you are on the wrong road?
                                                                             —Bavarian Proverb

No worries, though—my name is Lederhosen Pug, and I know the way (知道).

And the way to my heart every May and June in my Bavarian homeland is with white asparagus (we call it Spargel). 
[b] Spargeling RF

We love it and, according to the New York Times, we are a little obsessed. Take a look:

Grandma Pug always made it just right, and it starts with the peeling. You have to take off just enough of the "tough stuff" to get it ready for cooking. From there, just a little pan of water and cooked (not boiled) until tender.

Grandma Pug's was the best, but here is a good website.

Tasty. Although it doesn't traditionally go with Weißwurst, Brezen, und Bier, I always convinced grandma to put a little on my morning plate. Tasty.

Non-traditional...traditional pug.
[c] Bulk RF
[Originally posted on July 17, 2014]

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