
Monday, July 7, 2014

Lederhosen Pug—German Neighbors

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[a] Lederpug RF
                         What is the use of running when you are on the wrong road?
                                                                             —Bavarian Proverb

No worries, though—my name is Lederhosen Pug, and I know the way (知道). 

And when I trot along enough Bavarian roadways, I'll eventually come to a state border. 
[b] Neighborly RF
You may remember that I spoke of our European neighbors just the other day. Because of the Schengen Area within the European Union, we come and go pretty much as we please.
The same holds true within Germany, and that is no small feat if you think back to a very Cold War.
Bavaria is "neighbored" by four states, and we get along reasonably well these days (we're bigger...and I think tougher). I mean, Fritz wouldn't want to meet me in a dark alley (I might just take his Klöse). 

So these are our German Nachbarn: Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, Thuringia and Saxony. Take a look at the map, and you'll see that that the size of the borders varies a good deal. We probably have a little more in common with Baden-Württemberg, but who's quibbling?

German neighbors. We like 'em, but we seek to pummel them in fußball every time Bayern München plays them (same goes for our European neighbors and our ascendant national team).
[c] Gateway to the North RF
[Originally posted on July 7, 2014]

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