
Friday, July 11, 2014

Lederhosen Pug—Bavaria's GDP

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One year ago on Round and Square (11 May 2012)—Flowers Bloom: Emile Blooms
Two years ago on Round and Square (11 May 2011)—Seinfeld Ethnography: Marine Biologist

[a] Lederpug RF
                         What is the use of running when you are on the wrong road?
                                                                             —Bavarian Proverb

No worries, though—my name is Lederhosen Pug, and I know the way (知道).

And I know that Bavaria has a wonderfully robust economy that rivals that of almost any region in the world. And you know what? It has for a long time.
[b] Bavaria-made RF

There are several theories about this, but I prefer the stereotypical one.

We work hard and play hard (see picture, above). We do drink a lot of beer, but that doesn't stop us from eating a hearty breakfast and getting right to work.

It's a Protestant Ethic sort of thing...extending well into Catholicism, and beyond (more on that in a few days).

You see, only seventeen countries (yes, countries) in the world have a higher GDP than Bavaria. If we were an independent country, our per-capita GDP would put us in the top-ten.

Worker Pug.

[c] Work-n-Play RF
[Originally posted on July 11, 2014]

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