
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lederhosen Pug—Bocksbeutel

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One year ago on Round and Square (22 May 2012)—Primary Sources: Education and Acculturation (b)
Two years ago on Round and Square (22 May 2011)—Hurtin' Country: Clueless Male

[a] Lederpug RF
                         What is the use of running when you are on the wrong road?
                                                                             —Bavarian Proverb

No worries, though—my name is Lederhosen Pug, and I know the way (知道).

And as I make my way through Franconia, enjoying its distinctive wines along the trails, I never fail to admire the beautiful Bocksbeutel in which they are stored. 
[b] Frankenwein RF

Take a look. You won't find this sort of beauty in many other places. 

Back in the day, as Grandpa Pug likes to tell it, this bottle was reserved for only the very best Franconian wines. He remembers when his wine cabinet had ordinary bottles, and there was a special shelf reserved for the very best of Frankenwein.

That has changed for all sorts of reasons, but the bottle shape is now protected under EU commerce laws. Wineries allowed to use it include some from Portugal, northern Italy, and Greece.

And you'll have to wait until tomorrow to hear what the word means.
[c] Bocksbeutel RF
[Originally posted on July 22, 2014]

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