
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lederhosen Pug—Bavaria Beer

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[a] Lederpug RF
                         What is the use of running when you are on the wrong road?
                                                                             —Bavarian Proverb

No worries, though—my name is Lederhosen Pug, and I know the way. 

In Bavaria, we know beer (and we like it).
[b] No Maß RF

We drink more of it than any other place in the world—averaging 170 liters a year. Heck, I know a few people who drink that in a month (although I am more careful in my imbibing habits, wishing to keep my lederhosen figure trim).

You see, we drink our beer in Maß—a liter at a time—and that makes it easy to count. No, technically that does not mean en masse, but it would also be true. I'll save the way we make our beer for another day (we are very proud of this ancient tradition).

That leads me to the greatest travesty of all, however. There is a beer out there called "Bavaria Beer." That sounds mighty fine on the face of it, but if you look more closely, you'll see that the stuff is made in the Netherlands. What? We sued, but the EU is the EU, and we have to live with it.

All I can say is that you should drink beer made in Bavaria. Stay away from that Netherlands swill. Bavaria lederhosen.
[c] On the fly RF
[Originally posted on July 3, 2014]

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