
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Roll Tide Guy—Wetumpka Crater

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One year ago on Round and Square (14 March 2012)—Seinfeld Ethnography: George Looks Busy
Two years ago on Round and Square (14 March 2011)—Hurtin' Country: Introduction

[a] I'm Innocent...Roll Tide PD
I'm Innocent...
Roll Tide

But now that I have you here anyway, I want to tell you that I always enjoy trips to the Wetumpka Crater. This is the site of Alabama's greatest natural disaster, and it happened eighty million years ago. 
[b] Not Wetumpka RF

Oh, and don't go thinking that just because I'm from Alabama I thought it must have happened on the fourth day of creation or some such. No, this one was all about Martian invaders coming to earth and crash landing. I just know it.

In any case, we no know it is eighty million years old, because shocked quartz was found at the center of the crash site.

Oh, and don't think that we've known all about ol' Wetumpka Crater since the early days of statehood. No, not even close. A geologist mapping the state found it (and figured out what it was) way back in...1970.

Oh, and this wouldn't be Alabama if we didn't find a way to tie the crater to country music. Welcome to CraterFest 2014.

Roll Tide.
[c] Wetumpka Countryside City of Wetumpka
[Originally posted on June 14, 2014]

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