
Monday, June 30, 2014

Roll Tide Guy—Passing the Torch

Click here for the "Celebrity Commentary" Resource Center—(all posts available)
Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Celebrity Commentary" (coming soon)
This is a "small" (小) post—click here for an explanation of Round and Square post lengths.
***  *** 
One year ago on Round and Square (25 April 2012)—Seinfeld Ethnography: These Pretzels...
Two years ago on Round and Square (25 April 2011)—Breaking the Vessel: Managing History

[a] I'm Innocent...Roll Tide PD
I'm Innocent...
Roll Tide

But now that I have your attention,I want to tell you that I will be going away for a while. 

This is how it works, and I plan to serve my time, "keep my nose clean" (as Detective Rockford said in the 1970s), and maybe show up for a cameo on Round and Square every once in a while.
[b] One kind of autumn festival RF

For the month of July, though, RSQ readers are off to Bavaria. 

I am proud to be able to introduce my successor the next month of posts. He (this is an assumption based upon clothing, but I could well be wrong) will tell you as much about Bavaria as I have taught about Alabama.

There will even be some football, too.

Please welcome...Lederhosen Pug.

Roll Tide.
[c] Just for a moment RF
[Originally posted on June 30, 2014]

China's Lunar Calendar 2014 06-30

Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Calendars and Almanacs"  
⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦ From right to left: ⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦
7/1........................................................6/27...........................Monthly Information

This is one in a never-ending series—following the movements of the calendar—in Round and Square perpetuity. It is today's date in the Chinese lunar calendar, along with basic translation and minimal interpretation. Unless you have been studying lunar calendars (and Chinese culture) for many years, you will likely find yourself asking "what does that mean?" I would caution that "it" doesn't "mean" any one thing. There are clusters of meaning, and they require patience, reflection, careful reading, and, well, a little bit of ethnographic fieldwork. The best place to start is the introduction to "Calendars and Almanacs" on this blog. I teach a semester-long course on this topic and, trust me, it takes a little bit of time to get used to the lunar calendar. Some of the material is readily accessible; some of it is impenetrable, even after many years

As time goes on, I will link all of the sections to lengthy background essays. This will take a while. In the meantime, take a look, read the introduction, and think about all of the questions that emerge from even a quick look at the calendar.
Section One
Solar Calendar Date
(top to bottom; right to left
Sixth Month, Thirtieth Day
Astral Period One
Monday, June 30

Section Two
Beneficent Stars 
(top to bottom, right to left)
Generational Horse

Section Three
Auspicious Hours
(top to bottom, right to left

23:00-01:00 Inauspicious
01:00-03:00 Auspicious
03:00-05:00 Inauspicious
05:00-07:00 Auspicious

07:00-09:00 Auspicious
09:00-11:00 Auspicious
11:00-13:00 In-Between
13:00-15:00 Auspicious

15:00-17:00 Inauspicious
17:00-19:00 Auspicious
19:00-21:00 In-Between
21:00-23:00 In-Between

The hours above are for Hong Kong. It is up to you if you want to recalibrate or to assume that the cyclicality of the calendar "covers" the rest of the world. This is a greater interpretive challenge than you might think.

Section Four 
Activities to Avoid  
(top-to-bottom; right to left) 

Opening Sluices
Positioning Beds

 Section Five 
Cosmological Information 

Fourth Day (Sixth Lunar Month)
Cyclical day: renshen (9/60)
Phase (element): Metal
Constellation: Net (19/28)
"Day Personality" Cycle: Fullness (3/12)
Section Six
Appropriate Activities
(and Miscellaneous Information
(top-to-bottom; right to left)


Appropriate Activities
Going Out (and about)
Moving Households
Patterning Hair
Opening Markets
Moving Soil
Putting-up Beams
Discarding Clothing
Positioning Graves

Yin General

Baleful Astral Influences
Monkey Mouth
Five Voids

  Section Seven
Inauspicious Stars 
(right to left) 
丫 地

Bifurcation, Earth

Section Eight
Miscellaneous Information

爐 庫
Furnace, Storehouse

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Roll Tide Guy—Iron Bowl

Click here for the "Celebrity Commentary" Resource Center—(all posts available)
Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Celebrity Commentary" (coming soon)
This is a "small" (小) post—click here for an explanation of Round and Square post lengths.
***  *** 
One year ago on Round and Square (24 April 2012)—Primary Sources: Good Morning, Mother
Two years ago on Round and Square (24 April 2011)—Endings: Primitive Classification

[a] I'm Innocent...Roll Tide PD
I'm Innocent...
Roll Tide

But now that I have your attention, I want to complete my "substantive" posts this month with a nod toward the Iron Bowl

[b] Auburn Gateway RF
That's what we call it down here when my Crimson Tide play the Auburn Tigers. There is mutual loathing (sometimes taken to criminal levels), but I have had a lot of time to think these days, and I am renouncing my previous antipathy for Auburn. 

Mind you, I still want to crush them every year, but this is really Alabama pride.

The whole darned state.

I'll be thinking about that while I listen to the game (while square-dancing on my houseboat...on Alabama's navigable waterways).

Beat Auburn, but let's not kill their trees.

Roll Tide.
[c] Save the date RF
[Originally posted on June 29, 2014]

China's Lunar Calendar 2014 06-29

Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Calendars and Almanacs"  
⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦ From right to left: ⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦
7/1........................................................6/27...........................Monthly Information

This is one in a never-ending series—following the movements of the calendar—in Round and Square perpetuity. It is today's date in the Chinese lunar calendar, along with basic translation and minimal interpretation. Unless you have been studying lunar calendars (and Chinese culture) for many years, you will likely find yourself asking "what does that mean?" I would caution that "it" doesn't "mean" any one thing. There are clusters of meaning, and they require patience, reflection, careful reading, and, well, a little bit of ethnographic fieldwork. The best place to start is the introduction to "Calendars and Almanacs" on this blog. I teach a semester-long course on this topic and, trust me, it takes a little bit of time to get used to the lunar calendar. Some of the material is readily accessible; some of it is impenetrable, even after many years

As time goes on, I will link all of the sections to lengthy background essays. This will take a while. In the meantime, take a look, read the introduction, and think about all of the questions that emerge from even a quick look at the calendar.
Section One
Solar Calendar Date
(top to bottom; right to left
Sixth Month, Twenty-Ninth Day
Astral Period Sun
Sunday, June 29

Section Two
Beneficent Stars 
(top to bottom, right to left)
Generational Branch
Six Linkages
Lunar Virtue
Linked Days

Section Three
Auspicious Hours
(top to bottom, right to left
23:00-01:00 Inauspicious
01:00-03:00 Inauspicious
03:00-05:00 Auspicious
05:00-07:00 Auspicious

07:00-09:00 In-Between
09:00-11:00 Auspicious
11:00-13:00 Auspicious
13:00-15:00 In-Between

15:00-17:00 Auspicious
17:00-19:00 Inauspicious
19:00-21:00 In-Between
21:00-23:00 In-Between

The hours above are for Hong Kong. It is up to you if you want to recalibrate or to assume that the cyclicality of the calendar "covers" the rest of the world. This is a greater interpretive challenge than you might think.

Section Four 
Activities to Avoid  
(top-to-bottom; right to left) 

Mixing Sauces
Making Liquor
Discarding Clothing
Mourning Visits

 Section Five 
Cosmological Information 

Third Day (Sixth Lunar Month)
Cyclical day: xinwei (8/60)
Phase (element): Earth
Constellation: Pleiades (18/28)
"Day Personality" Cycle: DIscard (2/12)
Section Six
Appropriate Activities
(and Miscellaneous Information
(top-to-bottom; right to left)

Appropriate Activities
Venerating Ancestors
Inquiring-into Fortune
Meeting Friends
Going Out (and about)
Marriage Alliances
Grain Payments
Moving Households
Patterning Hair
Sweeping Rooms
Repairing and Building
Moving Soil
Putting-up Beams
Repairing Granaries
Livestock Payments
Positioning Graves

Poplar Taboo

Baleful Astral Influences
Debt Not
Mysterious Days
Three Mournings
Narrative Hook

  Section Seven
Inauspicious Stars 
(right to left) 
白 林

White, Copse

Section Eight
Miscellaneous Information
厠 灶 廚
Toilet, Stove, Kitchen

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Roll Tide Guy—Coach Saban

Click here for the "Celebrity Commentary" Resource Center—(all posts available)
Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Celebrity Commentary" (coming soon)
This is a "small" (小) post—click here for an explanation of Round and Square post lengths.
***  *** 
One year ago on Round and Square (17 April 2012)—La Pensée Cyclique: Chinese Thought (and Civilization)
Two years ago on Round and Square (17 April 2011)—Beginnings: Civil Twilight

[a] I'm Innocent...Roll Tide PD
I'm Innocent...
Roll Tide

But now that I have your attention, I would like to utter a 'bama sacrilege that everyone thinks, but few dare openly acknowledge. 

[b] Sacrilege RF
I have little to lose (and a lot of time to think these days), so I have been reviewing all of the coaches in Alabama football history.

And you know what?

Coach Saban (the current guy) may be even better than the Bear.


Roll Tide.
[c] Coach Tide RF
[Originally posted on June 28, 2014]

China's Lunar Calendar 2014 06-28

Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Calendars and Almanacs"  
⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦ From right to left: ⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦
7/1........................................................6/27...........................Monthly Information

This is one in a never-ending series—following the movements of the calendar—in Round and Square perpetuity. It is today's date in the Chinese lunar calendar, along with basic translation and minimal interpretation. Unless you have been studying lunar calendars (and Chinese culture) for many years, you will likely find yourself asking "what does that mean?" I would caution that "it" doesn't "mean" any one thing. There are clusters of meaning, and they require patience, reflection, careful reading, and, well, a little bit of ethnographic fieldwork. The best place to start is the introduction to "Calendars and Almanacs" on this blog. I teach a semester-long course on this topic and, trust me, it takes a little bit of time to get used to the lunar calendar. Some of the material is readily accessible; some of it is impenetrable, even after many years

As time goes on, I will link all of the sections to lengthy background essays. This will take a while. In the meantime, take a look, read the introduction, and think about all of the questions that emerge from even a quick look at the calendar.
Section One
Solar Calendar Date
(top to bottom; right to left
Sixth Month, Twenty-Eighth Day
Astral Period Six
Saturday, June 28

Section Two
Beneficent Stars 
(top to bottom, right to left)
Official Days
Yang Virtue

Section Three
Auspicious Hours
(top to bottom, right to left
23:00-01:00 Inauspicious
01:00-03:00 Auspicious
03:00-05:00 Auspicious
05:00-07:00 In-Between

07:00-09:00 In-Between
09:00-11:00 In-Between
11:00-13:00 Auspicious
13:00-15:00 Auspicious

15:00-17:00 Auspicious
17:00-19:00 Auspicious
19:00-21:00 Inauspicious
21:00-23:00 In-Between

The hours above are for Hong Kong. It is up to you if you want to recalibrate or to assume that the cyclicality of the calendar "covers" the rest of the world. This is a greater interpretive challenge than you might think.

Section Four 
Activities to Avoid  
(top-to-bottom; right to left) 

Binding Nets
Moving Soil 

 Section Five 
Cosmological Information 

Second Day (Sixth Lunar Month)
Cyclical day: gengwu (7/60)
Phase (element): Earth
Constellation: Stomach (17/28)
"Day Personality" Cycle: Establish (1/12)
Section Six
Appropriate Activities
(and Miscellaneous Information
(top-to-bottom; right to left)

Appropriate Activities 
Repairing and Adorning Embankments and Walls

Baleful Astral Influences
Lunar Repression
Lunar Punishment
Earth Charm
Everything General

  Section Seven
Inauspicious Stars 
(right to left) 
白 天

White, Heaven

Section Eight
Miscellaneous Information

磨 碓
Mortar, Pestle