
Saturday, February 9, 2013

French Bulldog Puppy—Nobel Prize in Literature

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One year ago on Round and Square (9 February 2012)—Seinfeld Ethnography: Life Thoughts

[a] French Musings PD
I don't know who you are, 
but I will find you...[1]

...and tell you that French literature is truly formidable, diverse, and (this is often not adequately understood) inclusive. Let's just take a look at the list of French Nobel Prize in Literature recipients. 
[b] Volumes...speaking volumes... RF

Got that? From Sally Prudhomme to Jean-Paul Sartre (who turned it down) to Gao Xingjian, my French homeland serious writers who change the world.

Oh, the Nobel Prize is "political" and an inadequate measure of literary skill? Yeah, I've heard it all before. Cry me a (Nobel) river. It's a measure, and France would rise to the top of any of them.

That's why "they" call me a proud French Bulldog Puppy.

      [1] I like Liam's opening, and he gave me a year's supply of biscuits to use it for the rest of the month.
[c] Candide Assessment RF
[Originally posted on May 9, 2014]

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