
Saturday, February 2, 2013

French Bulldog Puppy—French Sinology

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One year ago on Round and Square (2 February 2012)—The Emperor's Teacher: Talking Points (c)

[a] French Musings PD
I don't know who you are, 
but I will find you...[1]

...and tell you that there is a whole passel of French scholars who spent their lives studying China. Among the greatest are Edouard Chavannes, Paul Pelliot, and the master of Chinese thought, Marcel Granet.
[b] Master RF

So what's up with that?

Well, the long Western tradition of studying other societies (this dates back at least to Herodotus), for one. That's what's up.

How does all of this (the serious study of language, literature, history, and culture) fit together with the more insidious picture of Western colonialism? Ah, that is another (but undeniably linked) story.

Just how linked is another topic for another day.
      [1] I like Liam's opening, and he gave me a box of biscuits to use it for the rest of the week.
[c] Another topic, another day RF
 [Originally posted on May 2, 2014]

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