
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Cultural and Intellectual History Tweets—Mountain Temple Microeconomics

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Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Cultural and Intellectual History Tweets"
This is a "small" (小) post—click here for an explanation of Round and Square post lengths.
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On this date on Round and Square  
17 April 2013—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 04-17
17 April 2012—La Pensée Cyclique: Chinese Thought (and Civilization)
17 April 2011)—Beginnings: Civil Twilight

[a] Calculation RL
This new Round and Square series gets right to the point...and then starts circuiting around it. We begin with a 140 character tweet about cultural-intellectual history. This is followed by an English-style haiku (with a few liberties taken here and there—hey...English ain't Japanese). We end with a nice recipe. Simple, and to-the-point (except that it really is neither of these...and that is the whole point). Oh, and I still believe in complete sentences and fully-formed wrdz (they can't always be exactly "complete" on Twitter, but, as I like to say, "you can see 'complete' from there." Sorry, but that's the way I roll. 
[b] Choice RF

If the tweet is "informational" (as today), it is "true." The recipe is "real." The haiku is just, well, odd.

I would tell you more...if I had more than 140 characters with which to work (+ spld thngs fny).

My lecture about the microeconomics of divination is over. It's time for the article that reminds economists about "cultural" choices.

Pray, bow, incense stick aloft
How to make a choice?

So you've been busy at the ol' Southern Sacred Peak Temple all day? Spent a little too much money on "dragon head" (龍頭 / 龙头) incense sticks? Need a nice dumpling dinner and a good night's sleep before starting up the mountain? Well, here's what you need. 

[c] Northern variety RF

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