
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Cultural and Intellectual History Tweets—(Asia)/Pacific Ethnography

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Click here for the introduction to the Round and Square series "Cultural and Intellectual History Tweets"
This is a "small" (小) post—click here for an explanation of Round and Square post lengths.
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On this Date in Round and Square History
1 May 2013—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 05-01
1 May 2012—La Pensée Cyclique: Mulan Granet (d)
1 May 2011—Hurtin Country: Lonesome Doves

[a] Pacific RF
This new Round and Square series gets right to the point...and then starts circuiting around it. We begin with a 140 character tweet about cultural-intellectual history. This is followed by an English-style haiku (with a few liberties taken here and there—hey...English ain't Japanese). We end with a nice recipe. Simple, and to-the-point (except that it really is neither of these...and that is the whole point). Oh, and I still believe in complete sentences and fully-formed wrdz (they can't always be exactly "complete" on Twitter, but, as I like to say, "you can see 'complete' from there." Sorry, but that's the way I roll. 

If the tweet is "informational" (as today), it is "true." The recipe is "real." The haiku is just, well, odd.
[b] Classic RF

I would tell you more...if I had more than 140 characters with which to work (+ spld thngs fny).

I'm "reading" sixty ethnographies (in sixty days) about Oceania as I prep for my lecture series on Pacific mythology—"classic" to "present."

Wet sand, conch shell, yam
Watery ethnography

And after a long day of reading Pacific Ocean island (and large landmass) ethnography, it's time for yams and pork. Here's a delectable recipe that might a cookbook that channels the classic ethnography Pigs for the Ancestors...except that it has been "transferred" north and slightly west to southeastern China. This is actually a Hakka recipe.

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