
Friday, March 14, 2014

Newsprint Nonpareil—Springtime Reading

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One year ago on Round and Square (14 March 2013)—China's Lunar Calendar 2013 03-14
Two years ago on Round and Square (14 March 2012)—Seinfeld Ethnography: George Looks Busy
Three years ago on Round and Square (14 March 2011)—Beginnings: Rousseau's Emile
[a] The East is Read PD
Reading in Springtime...springtime reading.

Die Zeit doesn't miss a beat. As soon as the weather warms, the editors turn to the serious business of post-winter reading. Oh, and you all know the difference, don't you? If you live near the equator, I will give you a pass. But if you live in Alexandria, Beloit, Beijing, Bismarck, Chicago, Doylestown, Fargo, Erlangen, Laramie, London, Madison, Nürnberg, Oslo, or Vancouver...well it is time to put down The Critique of Pure Reason and pick up a fresh copy of the lighter (but maybe more even troubling) Peeling the Onion
[b] Lesen RF

It is spring(time...zeit), and it is time to read even more. Maybe even outdoors.

But maybe not...quite yet.

10C (59F) temperatures are not exactly conducive to beach reading, so you might want to try a nice outdoor café, such as Bogart's in Erlangen 91052, which will be the subject of my next Wednesday post (3/19). Take a book and a friend (and be sure to consult the calendar for a good day to go out...and about 出行...and to meet with friends 會友).  

So pull out your copy of Love Story or several tens of lighting variations on some darkish color (o.k., maybe a bit too light...and vacuous) and get started.

I would recommend the Four Quartets, but that is just moi.

Oh, and one more thing. Did you notice the "Putin" reference right above "the fold?" Putins Ausreden. Fascinating. Excuses, excuses.

And what would 

Very likely, something deeper than the link above.

See you next Friday morning on "Newsprint Nonpareil" (it won't always be German...but it probably will be...until the end of summer).
[c] さくら Spring RF

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