
Monday, February 11, 2013

Displays of Authenticity 24601—Les Militarables

A year ago on Round and Square (11 February 2012)—Beginnings: The Footnote
Click here for the introduction to the Round and square series "Displays of Authenticity"
[a] Authentic RF
Sometimes...just sometimes...nothing is quite as a parody.

Yes, I realize that this clip has gone viral, but I can't get over how the intermixed themes on Round and Square of "authenticity," the lunar calendar, and just plain cyclicality has created the perfect context for a South Korean air force parody (on a very high level, I might add) of a musical movie in the news right now. If you are a careful reader of Round and Square, you will burst out laughing at the references to springtime coming and then end of the snow. Marcel Granet (do a search on the RSQ website) is all over this. The ROK airforce seems to be, as well.

What is red and black...and red (et noir) all over?

This is actually post #21 in "Displays of Authenticity." I trust that, after watching the clip, you "get the numerical reference.
[b] Snow-alone RF

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