
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bricolage Bibliothèque—Resource Center

The "Bricolage Bibliothèque" Readings will be broken down by subtopics (see below). The place to start, however, is with the introduction to the series. After that, navigate the materials under the various subtopics.

Introduction to Bricolage Bibliothèque
Bricolage Bibliothèque—Introduction
Bricolage? What's that? There is plenty of stuff for you to review here, but let's get to the heart of the matter. A French anthropologist named Claude Lévi-Strauss made a point five decades ago about how we craft culture. Let's simplify it down to its key roots: we take stuff from the world around us and we fashion or craft solutions...[continue]...

For more background on the concept of bricolage, see the following posts: 
Theory Corner 1a: Bricolage
Theory Corner 1b: Bricolage and Thought (American Pie)
Theory Corner 1c: Bricolage and Change

Bricolage Biliothèque Posts
Bricolage Biliothèque 1: Bike Seat
Even Americans who have not watched much television are probably vaguely familiar with a certain hefty figure—a UPS driver with formidable appetites—who came to be known as the King of Queens. You might think you know where this post is going, but, well, you don't. I am not much interested in the show, and was just zapping through channels aimlessly the other night (I am on the road and the hotel channel-changer was relentless) when I saw the following scene. Thank heavens and the Internet for YouTube. Here is an entire episode, but all that you need takes place in forty-five seconds between 17:45 and 18:30. Check it out...[continue]...

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